Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Fairy Tales Reflection of Societal Dysfunction Essay

When people talk about fairy tales, in their mind, they will automatically think about fantasy element such as princess, princes, and fairy and of course the happy ending at the end of every fairy tale. They give us a place for freedom of thinking and relaxing. Moreover, in some way, we used fairy tales to teach a childs moral lessons about how to behavior. Do fairy tales only offer the freedom of thinking and moral lesson fairy tales to people? We use to think that the fantasy in the fairy tales has no impact on their society, and its merely the element to get the stories in fairy tales gloomier and more attracted to the reader. No, fairy tales still hold one more important function. In one aspect, fairy tales reflect the bad side of†¦show more content†¦The willing to believe in fairy tales is existent and choosing to follow the forest nymph who leads her to the faun in the labyrinth first visit she is the action of a rebel. As Guillermo Del Torro, the films director of Pa ns Labyrinth, he states: Fascism is the absolute lack of imagination, the absolute lack of choice, and the most masculine expression of power. Under its cruel restrictions, people are prohibited from thinking for themselves. They (the people) have to take what the fascist society offers them and are not allowed to think for themselves. However, Ofelia made her choice for herself. She would rather put her faith to believe the fantasy characters in fairy tales which no one believes than live with the real world. The actions of accepting that she is a princess and trying to find her way back to her underworld kingdom, we see that Ofelia represents the unwillingness to live under a fascist regime by escaping from the real world where the lives of men seem worthless. She uses the fantasy world as the way to escape the living with the captain. Annalee Newitz, the author of Pan’s labyrinth-Can Fantasies Rescue Us from Fascism, said, â€Å"Ofelia’s fantasies are more than m erely escapist because they allow her to find political allies.† Her actions of betraying the Caption also shows her defending the Marxist rebels. When she knows that she cannot return to her kingdom Ofelia decides to go with Mercedes and help the Marxist rebels.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Technology And Its Impact On Technology Essay - 1675 Words

In today’s society, there have been many speculations on the impact of technology. The rise of technology has unfolded into the betterment of many advances in the industry. However, it is no surprise that these advances have also caused society into depending so much on technology. Author Sherry Turkle, argued that we as a society have distanced ourselves from one another; she discusses her observations drawn from human beings and their interaction with social machines. She indicated that humans rely much more on technology which has negatively impacted the way we communicate with one another. Every individual has their own flaws. In our imperfections, we tend to discriminate among one another, we have preconceived notion based on what we have seen or experienced. Perhaps, there is a say that goes ‘a book should never be judged by its cover ’. In addition to, various studies observed by between robots and children, Turkle implies that robots are slowing replacing humans. As a result of our dependency on technology, humans are failing each other and the constant rise of technology should not be blame for it, as we do have control over some of these issues. In the 1760-1800’s, the first machine age occurred during the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution was transition from a hand labor to a machine labor. The new machines were powered by water, steam and coal. The Industrial revolution marked a very profitable time for many factory owners because, unlike humansShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Its Impact On Technology1468 Words   |  6 PagesThe technology has presented an enormous deviation in this world, and alike somewhat deviation, it has not been easy to become accustomed to the variations presented. In this report, it is possible to highlight that this technology consumes some time for some people to take its ideas. The main motive why this technology hasn’t been well expected is for the reason that its ethical issues that has been presented by the technological. In respect to how the technology has been received, it is seriousRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Technology1598 Words   |  7 PagesTech nology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines, computers, devices, and factories, which can be operated by individuals without detailed knowledge of the workings of such things. Technology influences human existence by bringing new risks as well asRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Technology Essay1276 Words   |  6 Pagesa. Wearable technology From wearable cameras for personal protection to Apple watches for entertainment and convenience, wearable technology has become a legitimate industry and a commonplace sight in the 21st century. However, wearable technology does not come without its risks for manufacturers and those who wear these devices. When technology is so close to the body there is a much higher risk to cause injury or long-term problems to those who wear them. This is where Industrial Systems EngineersRead MoreTechnology Impact On Technology1222 Words   |  5 Pageschange at a faster rate than the rest is technology. Whether it be with machines, computers, or medicine, technology is always being improved, and for most, it’s now quite difficult to go a single day without using some type of technology because it’s become so widespread in our world. Difficulty to operate without technology is now also becoming true for businesses. Whether it be local or international, businesses have begun to rely more heavily on technology for purposes such as storing their filesRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Technology1706 Words   |  7 PagesOnce the firms gets patency for their technology they can precede with their next step that is to manufacture the product, market the product and launch the product. Once the product is out in the market, the firm needs to monitor its product. This is a process in which the firm need to look out for the life of the product as to if the technology is being out of date then they need to make changes accordingly in order to cope with the market needs. But another thing which the firm should always keepRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Technology2152 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction In today’s world everything relies on technology. Technology has aided in making day to day life simpler, as well as keep us all connected. Organizations today continue to grow using all the newest technological advancements. The use of technology can help mold the foundation for which a company is able to grow from, but it can also be the very cause of the same company’s demise. It is for that reason, that an organization should take appropriate actions to protect its Information SystemsRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Technology Essay1701 Words   |  7 PagesWith the advancement of technology, society is starting to rely heavily on electronic devices more now than ever. With the heavy reliance on electronic devices, security becomes a must to ensure that information is not falling into the wrong hands. As security becomes an important factor in computing, cybersecurity arose to help protect computer systems and the data stored on it from being accessed by pe ople for whom the data was not intended. Many high profile attacks have been noted in the pastRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Technology2186 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction In today’s world, everything relies on technology. Technology has aided in making day to day life simpler, as well as keep us all connected. Organizations today continue to grow using the newest technological advancements. The use of technology can help mold the foundation for which a company is able to grow, but it can also be the very cause of the same company’s demise. It is for that reason that an organization should take appropriate actions to protect its Information Systems (IS)Read MoreTechnology And Technology : The Economic Impact Of Technology?748 Words   |  3 PagesThe article begins with an example of how technology has evolved. Before the 1970s, gas stations had to hire employees to pump gas for customers. Today there are over 168,000 gas stations in the United States and very few of these stations hire attendants to pump gas. Maney then explores the true economic impact of the automation. For instance, the number of men with college degrees doubled and the number of women with college degrees quadrupled between 1970 and 2015. With more educated peopleRead MoreTechnology : The Impact Of Technology And Its Impact On The Future905 Words   |  4 Pagesan era of advanced technology, where every part of our daily lives is impacted by it. Recently we have found ourselves heavily dependent on the use technology and our needs and demands for more keep rising. The more advanced it becomes, the more it seems to have control over our lives. While it is impossible to explore how each new advanced technology has impacted our lives and how it will impact the future, it continues to affect our environment, people and society. Technology by its self is not

Monday, December 9, 2019

Schwa Essay Example For Students

Schwa Essay SchwaSchwaSchwas past is slightly blurred, but it is generally held that thereligion has its roots in ancient Egypt. A small breakaway group are believed tohave gathered regularly to exchange news and, on occasion, personal accounts oflandings by what they called `star-creatures. These beings were identical tothe Egyptian gods, and their belief was that these beings came to their land,from their home amongst the stars, disguised as animals with which they werefamiliar (the jackal, the cat etc). Some hieroglyphics have been uncovered byarchaeologists which, according to Schwa followers, are the originalinscriptions of members of the ancient religion, but have been wronglyinterpreted by `UFO fanatics as proof that aliens built the pyramids. Thisleads non-believers to give little weight to what was actually a true andproper religion. Since those primitive days the religion has developed enormously, butthe biggest and most important advancements have only come in the past decade. Previously, followers had only gathered in what could be described as `sects inmany different countries, with the highest concentration being in North America. It wasnt until 1986 that Jeff Krantz, a 19 year old art student at theUniversity of Michigan, started came to be known as `The Union, a wave ofchange that would sweep across the world over a period of two years, and wouldresult in united international Schwa religion. I had just been transferred from (the University of) Wisconsin in theearlier part of that year, Krantz says. I had attended regular meetings withabout half a dozen other believers. We met one night each week to talk aboutstuff related to our belief that the Earth, and everything on it, was createdby extraterrestrial beings. I guess you could say theyre on the same level asthe gods of other religions, but we believe that our creators are actual living,breathing beings, not spirits; an analogy would be our superiority overcreatures which we created through gene technology, DNA splicing or whatever. At one of these meetings we decided that we should have some sort ofsymbol that we could make into stickers. Each of us could then stick them onbooks or wherever, just to get people thinking about what theycould mean, andalso to bring the group together under an identifiable symbol kind of like aflag.The task fell to Adrian Blackwell, another art student whom Krantz sawoften outside of these meetings. The idea for the sticker kind of came to mewhen I was on acid, Blackwell recalls, smiling. Actually, I saw these twosymbols at the same time, almost; an alien head and a starfish. The starfishdidnt really do anything for me, so I drew the other one and the other guysloved it. A copy of the design is on the cover page. Yeah, the design was great, says Krantz, but I thought it needed somesort of name. That Saturday night I went to a party. I got smashed, and thenthis name sort of appeared in my head : `Schwaerozni. I knew it couldnt havebeen an accident. Anyway, when I went to write it under the design before wesent it to have the stickers made, I could only fit in `Schwa. The name stuck.After his move to Wisconsin, Krantz stayed in touch with his fellowbelievers in Michigan. He began working part time at a hardware store for a fewmonths. His last day at the store was the turning point for the religion. Iused to steal solvent from the store, take it to my dorm and sniff it, helaughs. Pretty pathetic, really. Finally my boss caught on to what I was doing,and he called me into his office. He gave me a big lecture about the stupidityof sniffing solvent, the fact that he could have had me charged with shoplifting,dont ruin your life, blah blah blah. Then he gave me my last paycheck minusthe cost of a c an of solvent. That night I was pretty pissed off, and I sniffeda little more than usual. I was climbing onto the roof to see if I could flywhen I thought of this brilliant joke. I thought it was so funny that I forgotall about flying and just went back to my room to write it down before I forgotabout it. Later on I told it to the other guys over. Although it had nothing todo with Schwa, they all said that something about it reminded them of it.We all thought the joke was kind of spooky, yeah, Blackwell says. Butthe weirdest thing was the dream I had that night. I saw an alien being come outof a craft, approach me, and touch m..y forehead. Then I saw a page from the phonebook, zooming in on the University of Wisconsins listing. Then Jeffs full nameappeared. After that, a map of North America appeared. It slowly zoomed in onWisconsin, showing more and more detail, until the whole of my vision was filledwith the University campus. An arrow flashed, pointing at the dormitories. ThenI w oke up. .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890 , .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890 .postImageUrl , .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890 , .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890:hover , .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890:visited , .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890:active { border:0!important; } .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890:active , .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890 .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucb718b2346434c9499c73358246bc890:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The House On MAngo Street EssayThe next day we had a meeting. Each of us was exited. We just lookedaround at each other, and we knew. Each of us had had the same dream. We knewthat it was really a carrier for that message. We had to tell everyone we knewthe joke. It was a pretty good one, the type youd tell friends anyway, and itwasnt dirty so you could tell anyone. But no-one seemed to report any strangedreams afterwards, or even act strange. So, we just decided that the dream onlycame to believers.They were right about that, says Krantz, raising his eyes to heaven. The Uni hated me! Or at least, whoever sorted the mail did. I got a little overtwo thousand letters over the next year hundreds from Americans only in thefirst couple of months, then from all over the world as the joke spread.Followers now hold this joke as a sacred message from their creators,and since others did not notice anything unusual about it, it has been almostimpossible to trace. However, by freak coincidence, a researcher into conspiracytheories, Garo Yellin, was looking at a relatives photos from a trip to Germanyin 1990 when he noticed a message scrawled on the Berlin Wall in the backgroundof one picture. The thing that really grabbed his attention was a crude drawingof an alien head, much like the Schwa symbol. He enlarged the picture to see themessage written next to the head. It was, as far as he could see, this: Vennist das nurnstuck git und slotermeyer? Ya! Beigerhund das oder die Flipperwaldtgersput! Translation attempts have been made, but apparently this is in a codeknown only to Schwa followers, in order to protect the joke. Every letter I got said the same sort of thing, Krantz continues. These people had the same beliefs I did, and the dream had revealed my identityto them. They looked to me now as a leader. I had been chosen to lead my fellowbelievers in one united faith, which for obvious reasons, I decided to callSchwa. They were of all ages and denominations, but since we are all of lowlystatus under our creators and our lives are momentary compared to theirs they had no problems with me leading them.The main concern of the religion is to worship their alien creators inreadiness for the coming day of judgment. Who knows when they will come? saysKrantz. All I know is that when they do, they will be performing a little . . . weeding, shall we say? Theyre going to polish off their creation. All thingsyou or I consider bad or annoying or dangerous will be made likable, or eveneradicated. And we, sentient beings that we are, will be judged not by therighteousness of our actions, but by our worship of them. Then, all those whodid not follow them will be removed from the Earth and from our memories wewill feel no loss or sadness and we will be left only with happy and peacefulthoughts, and in a Utopian world. Some, knowing the origins of Schwa, say it is a cult based onintoxication. Well, it is in a way, but their is a deeper purpose for this. Whenintoxicated by some form of drug, we are still awake, but there is a subtle linkwith the subconscious. We are more receptive to the messages our creators wishto plant in our minds. Hallucinations are not caused by the intoxicationdirectly, but by them, trying to reach us. However, he laughs, if you fallover or try to fly, thats the drug talking!Their only festival is held each year on June 12, the date of theincident in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. That day, says Krantz, a mist ofsome sort caused masses of people to hallucinate simultaneously. They say theysaw a UFO land, and aliens coming out of the craft. This hallucination was awarning from our creators of the coming day of judgment. In celebration of this,followers meet secretly, take drugs, and chant the following : Oona Schwagallumbits dangk! Once again, this seems to be in some sort of co de. The onlyintelligible translation yet given seems to be a joke on the part of thetranslator : Schwa for tuna-safe dolphin meat! But the true meaning of this,like their sacred joke, they keep secret.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Mccance Widdowsons Tables of Food free essay sample

Introduction Food composition tables are absolutely basic tools for the work of the dietitian and the human nutritionist. Every dietary prescription is built on the data in the food tables. Every study of the relationship between diet and health depends on the use of food tables to calculate nutrient intake. It is essential therefore that those who use the tables fully understand how they are compiled and what are their limitations. Food tables need to re? ect the foods eaten in the culture in which they are to be used, in terms of the types of foods and their origins. Where used to analyse dietary intake data, recipes that re? ect the local cultural patterns are an additional requirement. As agricultural and food manufacturing practices change, the food tables need to evolve to keep up with them. In the UK we are fortunate in having an excellent set of food tables. We will write a custom essay sample on Mccance Widdowsons Tables of Food or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They have evolved over a period of now nearly 60 years and there is a continuing rolling programme for updating. However, this does mean that the tables exist in several editions. Users need to understand when each edition appeared and how each differed from its predecessors. They need to know which edition has been used to analyse a given study. If embarking on a reanalysis of old data they need to choose the most appropriate version. If embarking on analysis of a new study, they need to use the most recent data. If buying nutrient analysis software they need to know which version of the tables are built into the programme, whether the writers of the software will provide regular updates as new data become available and whether the package has facilities for the user either to add new foods or to update old ones. This paper brie? reviews the evolution of the UK food tables and seeks to clarify some confusions that have appeared in recent years. First and second editions of McCance and Widdowson McCance and Widdowson’s Tables of Food Composition evolved from early work by R. A. McCance. In 1925 he was given a grant by the Medical Research Council to study the amount of carbohydrate in foods used in the treatment 1 Correspondence: Dr Alison E. Black , Medical Research Council, Dunn Clinical Nutrition Centre, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2DH, UK.  © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd 2 A. E. Black and A. A. Paul t the point of consumption. They included published data mainly from the third edition of McCance and Widdowson, information from manufacturers, the nutrient composition of a substantial number of recipes calculated from data in the third edition and experimentally determined moisture loss, and a limited number of special analyses carried out by the Laboratory of the Government Chemist. The DHSS tables went through several versions. The ? rst (pilot 1963) version was re? ned for the second (1967) version by dropping items not used and adding some found to be necessary. A third (1969) version was essentially a rearrangement and renumbering of the foods items in the second version. The food tables remained unpublished but were readily available and widely used by those conducting dietary surveys in the 1960s and 1970s. A quick way to identify which set of tables has been used in the coding of any particular survey is to look at the Code Number for a frequently used food. The codes numbers for ‘milk, ordinary’ for example in 1963, 1967 and 1969, respectively, were 7104, 701 and 008. of diabetes. Later he conducted studies in particular on the composition of eat (McCance Shipp, 1933) and fruit and vegetables (McCance et al. , 1936). The ? rst edition of the food tables (McCance Widdowson, 1940) was compiled from data mainly from these early studies and also included some recipes. A second edition published in 1946 (McCance Widdowson, 1946; Widdowson, 1961) included more of the important wartime and post war foods, but was otherwise litt le changed. The third edition of McCance and Widdowson The third edition of McCance and Widdowson (McCance Widdowson, 1960) was the ? rst one familiar to many dietitians still practising. It was published in 1960 and expanded on the earlier editions (Widdowson, 1961) by including values for vitamins and amino acids. The former were drawn mainly from a thorough search of the literature and the latter from a combination of literature data and new analyses. A wide range of basic foods was covered in this edition including many new analyses, but a only a limited number of recipes were incorporated. Code numbers ranged from 1 to 663, but total entries numbered 797 as many entries for ? sh, fruit and nuts included both an entry for edible portion and an entry for the food weighed with nonedible waste (skin, bones, cores, shells). These used the same code number with and without the suf? x a. An account of this revision was given to the British Dietetic Association by Dr Widdowson herself in 1960 (Widdowson, 1961). The fourth edition of McCance Widdowson (MW4) The fourth edition of McCance and Widdowson’s food tables was published in 1978 (Paul Southgate, 1978). The principles used in compiling this edition were fully set out in the general introduction to the tables, which is essential reading for dietitians. This was a major revision with approximately two thirds of the data being updated by new analyses or literature values. There was extensive consultation with dietititans and many new foods were added (Southgate Paul, 1978). This edition included more recipes than the third edition, but nevertheless not as many as the DHSS tables. Code numbers range from 001 to 969. There are two true supplements to the fourth edition of McCance Widdowson in that they contain data additional to MW4 and are not revisions of MW4 data. These are: 1 First supplement to MW4 (Paul et al. , 1980). Amino acids and fatty acids per 100 g of food.  © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd, J Hum Nutr Dietet 12, 1–5 The DHSS Food Tables During the 1960s and 1970s the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) embarked on a series of national surveys of different sections of the population using 7day weighed diet records. Molly Disselduff (from the DHSS), the late Jean Robertson (from the MAFF) and Jean Marr (from the MRC) prepared a set of food tables for analysing these surveys. Known as ‘The DHSS Food Tables’, these were set up to cope with food as reported McCance Widdowson’s Tables of Food Composition The foods listed and their code numbers are the same as in MW4. 2 Second supplement to MW4 (Tan et al. , 1985). Immigrant foods. This supplement contains foods selected from MW4 with code numbers as in MW4, together with many additional items given codes in 5000 series (5001–5237). These items were later incorporated into the revisions of MW4 and thus these data have all been superseded. 3 Revisions of the fourth edition of McCance Widdowson After publication of the supplement on immigrant foods, MAFF, in association with the Royal Society of Chemistry, embarked on a staged revision of the whole of the fourth edition of McCance Widdowson. The revision has been completed and published in sections, taking each of the major food groups in turn. Although not so designated, these ‘Nine Supplements’ effectively constitute the true ? fth edition of McCance and Widdowson. The table below lists the nine supplements, the code numbers used in each and the reference with date of publication. The most recent supplement in the series covers fatty acids (MAFF, 1998). Food code numbers are retained as in the revisions 1–9 above, any new foods being assigned numbers within the appropriate food group. The so-designated ? fth edition of McCance and Widdowson (MW5) The single volume compilation of selected items that was published as the Fifth Edition f McCance and Widdowson (Holland et al. , 1991b) has caused much confusion. Many have thought it to be a complete revision of the fourth edition. It is not. It is a limited compilation of data selected from the food tables available at the time of publication. It contains data from the ? rst four revised sections, namely cereals, milk, vegetables and fruit (Revisions 1†“4 above). These still remain the most recent published data. For the remaining food groups, however, the data were taken from the fourth edition of McCance and Widdowson. Thus the data for ? sh, meat and miscellaneous foods in MW5 came from MW4 and are now out of date as they have been superseded by subsequent revisions (Revisions 5–9 above, known as the supplements to the ? fth edition). This publication (MW5) is still widely used, particularly by students, since, as a single volume, it is more convenient and cheaper than the ‘Nine Supplements’. However, it is essential to recognize (i) that it does not contain the complete set of data available and (ii) that a large part of the data is not now the latest available data.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Democracy in Russia (1900) essays

Democracy in Russia (1900) essays There were no prospects for democracy in Russian in 1914. Tsar Nicholas II believed he had the god-given right to rule over his country absolutely. His power to govern was reinforced by the strongest institutions in Russia, The Orthodox Church, The Army, and the peasant class. Even the Tsars opposition unwittingly aided him in quashing all hope for democracy. While there were some small democratic institutions, they only helped reinforce the Tsars belief that the people could never govern themselves. Embodied in Stolypins reforms, these polices helped sustain the Stars rule until its eventual collapse. That couplep with the Tsars policies of oppression, brutality, censorship, and class separation all helped him further in his goal to hold on to supreme power. The concessions he made to the people only served to further reinforce his right to rule. Nicholas II used repression, propaganda, the Orthodox Church, religion, migration, anti-Semitism, and war to help sustain what he believe d to be his divine rule. Nicholas was educated by private tutors and the reactionary Pobyedonostzev. Alexander III gave his son little training in affairs of state, and Nicholas proved to be a charming but ineffective and easily influenced ruler. Soon after his accession Nicholas stated that he intended to maintain the autocratic system. Nicholas was convinced that he had an absolute, God-given right to he saw fit...he refused to grant democratic right even to the Russian nobility. (Kronnenwetter, 43) The Tsars belief in his religious right to power was pushed on to the people both by himself and the Orthodox Church, which had been a creature of the Tsar since Peter the Great. (Moynahan, 30) The Russian Orthodox Church dates from the conversion of the Slavs by missionaries from Byzantium, led by Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius, in the ninth century A.D. In the tenth century Ch...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Vacuum Definition and Examples

Vacuum Definition and Examples Vacuum Definition A vacuum is a volume that encloses little or no matter. In other words, it is a region that has a gaseous pressure much lower than that of atmospheric pressure.A partial vacuum is a vacuum with low amounts of matter enclosed. A total, perfect, or absolute vacuum has no matter enclosed. Sometimes this type of vacuum is referred to as free space. The term vacuum comes from the Latin vacuus, which means empty. Vacuus, in turn, comes from the word vacare, which means be empty. Common Misspellings vaccum, vaccuum, vacuume Vacuum Examples Vacuum tubes are devices, usually made of glass, that contain very low gas pressures inside the tube.Space is considered a vacuum. Space does contains matter, but the pressure is much lower than what you would find on a planet, for example.A vacuum cleaner sucks up debris because it creates a pressure difference between the area to be cleaned and the suction tube.Your lungs intake air when your diaphragm drops, creating a partial vacuum in the alveoli of the lungs, causing air to rush in.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Data Analyses Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Data Analyses - Research Paper Example Almost 95 % a vast majority turned out to be as a full time student with only 5 % studying as part time students. When question was asked regarding their drinking habit on campus 48 respondents out of 58 said that they don’t drink on campus however 9 respondents said they rarely drink on campus where as only 1 respondent said that he/she drink occasionally. When respondents were asked regarding bar on campus and how would it affect the school’s social atmosphere and help in reducing the stress amongst students? The answers were of split nature few endorsing it few going against it and few chose air of finality or stayed neutral. The facts and figures regarding this question are, 17 respondents strongly opposing the idea of campus on bar on the other hand 11 respondents were strongly supporting this idea. Furthermore 6 respondents believe that its impacts would not turn out to be fruitful so they opposed it by demonstrating and marking no in questionnaire however 20.7 % (12 respondents) were unsure so they remained neutral. The final 12 respondents out of 58 were confident that bar on campus will help students to reduce stress and there is no harm in it. 16 students out of 58 were confident about allowing 2 drinks per day which also makes them majority, however 15 respondents believe that only one drink should be allowed per day, 11 respondents have different ideas they believe that this intake should be raise up to 3 drinks per day while 13 respondents were against all restriction claiming that there should be no limit on drinking per day for students. There were quite a few alternatives that come across while performing research. The first and foremost was that the school should focus on promoting sports and other extracurricular activities rather than opening bar on campus as this will shift students focus towards other things, another alternative was regarding

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mexican Healthcare system Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mexican Healthcare system - Article Example The improvement in the healthcare system in Mexico continued throughout the 19th century registering a great status improvement in the 1990s, where the mortality patterns were found to match with those the most developed societies. The government of Mexico has established a three-tire health system that takes care of all its citizens at subsidized rates. The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) was established in 1943 to cater for the welfare of all employees in the private sector and their dependants within the country, which works as a tripartite system involving the joint funding by the employer, the federal government and the employee. The Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) on the other hand caters for the social welfare and the health needs of the government employees (Johnson & Stoskopf, 2010). The difference in the healthcare systems between the USA and Mexico lies in various fundamental concepts. First, there is a disparity in the covera ge of the healthcare system in the USA and Mexico, where all citizens in the country are covered through the three-tire healthcare system; while in the USA the healthcare system does not cover all citizens (Garman, Johnson & Royer 2011). Secondly, the cost aspect presents another disparity, where the cost of healthcare in Mexico is lower, compared to the USA. Another major difference is that in Mexico, most of the healthcare system falls under the public sector, while in the USA, most of the healthcare is provided by the private sector (Johnson & Stoskopf, 2010). Characteristics of the consumers, providers, payers, and regulation policies in Mexico, compared to USA The characteristics of the consumers in the Mexican healthcare system varies from those of the USA consumers in that, the Mexican consumers do not necessarily need to have a healthcare insurance to be able to access subsidized healthcare, while in the USA, the consumers need to be covered by a health insurance scheme to b e able to access subsidized health service (Garman, Johnson & Royer 2011). The characteristics of the providers on the other hand, varies greatly between Mexico and the USA, since public the healthcare providers in Mexico operates under government sponsorship, thus providing subsidized healthcare service to the citizenry. On the other hand, the providers in the USA comprises the private sector as the main player, thus the access to subsidized services are a preserve of a few, who can afford health insurance. Nevertheless, the USA government accounts for a larger share of healthcare provision and financing, accounting for 46% financing of the healthcare system, while the Mexican government accounts for a slightly lower share, financing 44% of the healthcare provision in the country (Johnson & Stoskopf, 2010). The regulation policies also differs, though to a smaller extent, with the USA providing an open and optional feeding system, where the patients are free to choose the menu, whi le at the same time being allowed outside food. On the country, the Mexican health system offers a single brand of food, while prohibiting outside food in the health facilities (Garman, Johnson & Royer 2011). The staffing, appointment and timeliness policies also differs in both country, with the USA applying an adequate staffing policy for its healthcare, as well as upholding a strict appointment and timeliness policy, as the fundamental aspects of healthcare pro

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Essay Example for Free

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Essay The famous Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde was written by Robert Louis Stevenson and has remained popular ever since its publication in 1886. Robert was born in 1850 and was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was brought up a calvalist, however followed the bohemian life style. He married Mrs. Fanny Osbourne in 1880 and supported Priest Dameor who cared for the lepers. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a rich tale of the duality of mankind and how we are in essence creatures created for good, however in all of us there is the seed to do bad. The moral of the story is an old biblical one that many Christians recite daily in prayerLead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. This might be one of the reasons Stevenson wrote this book; Jekyll lives a double life of propriety and shame, imprisoned by the moral demands of Victorian society, and so did Stevenson. He too was surrounded by upright, religious and rigid citizens. He was even pressured into studying law at Edinburgh University. This book was written as a horror story. We know this because of the settings and plot. Stevenson wrote the book at the time of many murders in the east of London and the complete ignoring of social values and heartless deeds committed by Mr Hyde are totally in synch with Jack the Ripper and Sherlock Holmes. Mr Hyde represents the exact opposite of what Victorian gentlemen should act and the savageness of his actions is what made the book so scary back then. The story takes place in London during the nineteenth century. The central mood of the novel is one of mystery and terror. Stevenson creates dark settings to create a mood of anticipation and mystery. E.g. He was aware of an odd, light. Mr Hyde only comes out in the dark, foggy night, which subsequently makes the reader suspect mainly sinister intentions and automatically informs the reader that there is an expectation of trouble and something threatening, as the dark brings ominous feelings and terror to the reader. Stevenson changes the weather from regular night to more dark and foggy so that it is almost impossible to see clearly, therefore emphasising the fact through the fog, there is something concealed and surreptitious lurking about which makes the reader feel anxious. Also, he makes the character more evil looking in the dark e.g. In the darkness of the night he gave an impression deformity without any namable malformation. This makes the reader picture a horrific creature that makes them feel defenceless and exposed. Stevenson describes the fog being broken up as a haggard shaft. This gives the sense of destructiveness and violence. Also the quote swirling wreaths gives the sense of death as wreaths is what is placed on-top of a coffin. Finally Stevenson describes the gloomy avenues as mournful re- invasion of darkness which gives the sense of decay and obscurity. All these quotes also make the reader feel uneasy and apprehensive. The quotes It seems she was romantically given and London from all around very silent gives an eerie effect and provides a somewhat peaceful response. These quotes are also examples of emotive language, because they give the reader an emotional response. A certain sinister block and tramps slouched are both examples of figurative language which gives the reader a precise picture of what is in the setting. The quote tramps slouched gives us an unpleasant image of what reality was really like for the poor, making the reader feel uncomfortable as well as sympathetic. As addition to Stevenson using figurative and emotive language, he also uses a wide range of verbs like ragged and dingy which helps the reader to get a detailed picture of the insecurity and filthiness in which they lived through, and adjectives like ragged children huddled, which illustrates the fear and torment which even children went through. The quotes low growl of London and city in a nightmare, all give off the impression that the streets of London at the time were grimy, dangerous, dingy and simply terrifying places to live. Also the word growl, an example of personification, gives a sense that there is a savage, ruthless and a ferocious monster prowling about London. Finally the metaphor, light of some strange conflagration, gives a reference hell which makes the reader feel uncomfortable. Even though there are many quotes referring to the struggles of Victorian society, there are on the other hand several quotes which describe the other side of Victorian society which was entirely different. For example, bachelor house, close by the fire and gratefully to bed, all give off a cosy, warm, safe and welcoming impression. So yet again we have another contrast of the rich, warm, safe Victorian residence to the poor, insecure and generally tough Victorian slums. This shows that if you were rich you could use the power whatever way you like, however if you were poor, you were trapped in a world of poverty and in a sense of revulsion. There are three main characters in the novel, Dr Henry Jekyll, Edward Hyde and Mr Utterson. Dr. Henry Jekyll is a prominent middle- aged doctor and throughout the novel he is physically described as both tall and handsome. He is also extremely wealthy and by all who him, he is described as well respected and proper. For example, Stevenson describes Jekyll as a entertainer and a person known for charities which gives the impression that Jekyll is a warm, pleasant, middle class gentleman. In the book, his voice is only heard in the concluding chapter (Henry Jekylls full statement of the case), only after being described through the lens of Utterson, Lanyon, Poole and Enfield. The doctors belief that within each Human- being exists two countering forces, good and evil, leads to his experiments to try to separate the two. This however, was not done merely for scientific reasons, but also because he enjoyed escaping the confines of the respectable guise of Dr. Jekyll. The quote which illustrates this is The transformation was succeeded by a sense of joy. This also suggests that people didnt know what was right and what was wrong and would do and ask questions later. Also in the book he is described as less distinguished for religion, which suggests he too questioned Christianity like many other people of his time. For example, Darwin challenged religion as he came up with the theory that we evolved from monkeys which would mean the world wasnt made is seven days. Edward Hyde is a small, deformed, disgusting young man (much younger than Dr Jekyll) that is devoid of an apparent profession. Also the quote deformed illustrates that some Victorians disliked and rejected disabled people. Stevenson describes Hyde as callous and violent and a murderous mixture of timidly and boldness, which gives the impression Hyde is a fierce, ruthless, brutal monster. Despite the many descriptions of the horror that Edward Hyde invokes (by Lanyon, Utterson and Enfield), we are never told in detail precisely why or what features are so disgusting to observers, which emphasises the fact the novel was made in the time where phrenology (judging someone by their appearance) was the key to knowing if someone was good or evil. Hyde is also often compared to animals e.g. snarled, implying that he is not a fully evolved Human- Being. Another factor which suggests he is compared to animals is the fact he only menaces society at night e.g. trampling a girl in the street and murdering Sir Danvers Carew, which relates him to rodents and other nocturnal animals. Finally the quote the man seems hardly human, illustrates the fact Hyde is not a whole and has something missing. Good. Mr Utterson is the narrator of the book and is described as tall and loveable. He is a middle- aged lawyer plus someone that all the characters confide in throughout the novel. As an old friend of Jekyll, he recognises the changes and strange occurrences that centre around both Jekyll and Hyde. Stevenson describes Utterson as a reliable and Modest man which suggests he is perhaps the most circumspect and respected character in the book; therefore, it is significant that we view the crimes of Hyde through his observant frame. However, when Utterson discovers Hydes body in a red cabinet, instead of reporting it to the police he precedes in reading a letter addressed to him, which suggests he is more interested in his social status than solving the mystery. The quotes his friendship seemed to be founded in a similar catholicity of a good nature and his friends were those of his own blood or those who he had seen the longest, illustrates the fact he is insular, biased and narrow-minded. Knowing this makes the reader question if the story is told accurately and truthfully. The thing I noticed about this novel is that all the women are either victims or maids. E.g. the girl who got trampled on, the maid who witnessed the murder of Sir Danvers Carew and the house maid. This suggests that the middle class Victorian society were very sexist. However, if a Victorian was to read a modern day horror story, they would probably come up with the same conclusion, as the majority of victims in todays horror stories are women. The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is typical of the horror genre as it has many factors in which we would expect to see in a horror story today. For example, the story is mainly set at night, there are victims and most importantly the evil character is punished at the end of the novel. Mr Utterson is the narrator of the book and we are told the story through his eyes and told as though its true. This contributes to the element of suspense as we only know what Utterson knows. Suspense is also built up as Stevenson writes as if there is a final explanation as to whom the mystery figure is but doesnt let on and instead lets the suspense build. He occasionally allows a small amount of information out just to whet the appetites and keep up an atmosphere of mystery and confusion. For example, at the end of chapter five (Incident of the letter), Utterson says Henry Jekyll forge for a murderer. Not only does this make you wonder who the murderer is, but it also makes the reader want to read on. This atmosphere, one of controlled suspense, gradual building up of a sense of horror and destruction is achieved through a slow accumulation of unemotional detail, as this leaves the reader wondering what the characters are like and what they might do. I believe horror stories today do still follow a similar pattern, in the fact people who do bad deeds are usually punished, they are packed with suspense and often include someone trying to solve the mystery or catch the villain or monster, which in our case is Mr Utterson. However, the major difference in more recent examples of the genre is the tendency to locate the monstrous squarely within the normal, rather than presenting it as a threatening creature, such as Mr Hyde and Frankenstein, all made by individuals. Alfred Hitchcock had in fact changed this direction of the horror genre in 1960 with Psycho; the movie not only presented its most frightening moment, the shower murder, it also suggested that horror resides in everyday life rather than in alternative worlds of the supernatural or the gothic. Finally, the recent so called slice and dice films, such as Halloween, and living dead movies such as the night of the living dead are demonstrations of how contemporary special effects technology can depict increasingly gruesome and imaginative dismemberment and mutilation usually at the expense of character, plot and theme. Even though these are all films, we can still see how there is a greater desire for horror stories which are related to everyday occurrences or objects. In Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson illustrates the devastating effects of meddling with Gods creation and how our negative and evil desires and urges can overtake our original selves until we lose touch of who we once represented. Furthermore, Dr Jekylls desire and addiction to temporarily alter his existence results ultimately in his deadly demise. Jekyll and Hyde demonstrates how innocent curiosity about the darker sides of our nature can soon get out of hand and how evil is compulsive and how evil can so easily take control of the good. Stevenson has used Jekyll and Hyde to show that everyone has good and evil inside them. He portrays this very well by using the setting to portray good and evil e.g. dingy street and a grand residence. He also makes a very important point which is relevant today as it was in the nineteenth century. This is that bottled antisocialable behaviour can lead to sudden violent outpourings, such as seen in Hydes murder of Sir Danvers Carew. In Victorian society no one questioned God so the idea of something happening which isnt controlled by God would be unusual. Also electricity had only just been invented so people were quite wary about the things science could do. I think the main theme in the book is duality and how London is split into good and evil, rich and poor, scientific fact and experimenting new ideas. The final point I wish to mention is how they kept secrets. On the outside people were warm and inviting, however inside, people kept intimate secrets, such as dealing with drugs, alcohol and prostitution. I believe this was probably due to the fact there wasnt much pleasure in this type of life. There are many morals included in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde; however there are two main morals which stand out, one straight forward moral and a more complex moral. The straight forward moral is that if you do bad deeds you will be punished and also how addiction can lead to violence and how violence can lead to murder. The more complex moral, however is about the appeal of being Mr Hyde. Because Mr Hyde is described and talked about so much, he is probably the most interesting and exciting character in the book, which turns the straight forward moral on its head and makes Hyde the most appealing character in the novel. I believe the relevance of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde has changed considerably over the last hundred years. The main difference is that the Victorians saw this book religiously, however now when we read this book we think its about personal weakness and how addiction can lead to evil. A Victorian also wouldnt see the relevance of drugs and alcohol in this book, nor would they understand the relevance of addiction and what effect it has. Some may say that as humans, we wear masks. Not real masks, but masks that cover up our true personality showing our good side around our friends and our bad side around our family. These are great examples of mans fight in duality; our good side is always competing against our evil side, resulting in our duality, our fight over good verses evil. In this story, Doctor Jekyll is a regular scientist with the same feelings as every other human being; Mr. Hyde is a manifestation of Doctor Jekylls evil side and as a result, he is able to commit murder without any guilt. In the end, the evil manifestation won, taking completely over the Doctors body. The fight between good and evil is over! Finally, I believe the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is about how Dr Jekyll struggles to decide either to do the right thing and be a good citizen, or to do the thing Dr Jekyll desires the most and to be Mr. Hyde which he knows is wrong.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Left for Dead :: Personal Narrative Teaching Education Papers

Left for Dead In 1988, my last year of high school, twelve years before the start of the new century, some genius in L.A.U.S.D. thought it would be a grand idea to dress all the kindergarten students in Graduation outfits with 2000 streaming across their chest. And have them presented to the rest of the students as the future graduating class of the year 2000. The students, some gazing off into space, others fidgeting with their cap and gown, a few looking a bit lost and confused, were to be trumpeted that day and given cookies at the end of the assembly. So I was informed by one of the honorees sitting next to me on top of the stage. Cookies were on a lot of these future Twenty-First-Century minds. The little guy next to me couldn't wait for this "stuff" to end so he could get the cookies he was promised for wearing his cap and gown. He wondered aloud if I was going to get any cookies. He was entering twelve years of schooling, and I was finishing twelve years of schooling. The beginning meets th e end. I wanted those cookies too. I began to imagine him remembering this day twelve years from now on his "real" graduation. Will he be this excited about graduating high school as he is about the cookies, or will he look forward to pizza afterwards with the family and some dead end job? I suddenly felt time wrapping around me, shaking thoughts from my mind. How many of these students will finish school? How many will drop out or quit? Glancing around at the future citizens of a new time, a new beginning, a new world, a new era---well something like that---I couldn't help but think the future looked far away even for me. I could only imagine it must be forever for these little guys. I was from this same elementary school as these little tykes and I was about to step up to the podium and give a speech because some genius at the school found out I was Student Body President. I guess they thought I represented what was right about L.A.U.S.D. All this thinking about the future started to depress me. I will be thirty-one when these guys leave school. The cookies were looking to be the better part of that day. Invited back to my alma mater, Fair Avenue Elementary, I was asked to say a few words, any words, on high school and graduating.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Fair and Lovely Human skin color ranges In variety, from the darkest brown to the lightest plank's- white. Recently, I saw a video about skin color In India. I was surprised and devastated . Their skin color affects their status in society there. They can be denied education, jobs etc. A fair skin person is considered attractive regardless that the person have a healthy figure. My shocking discovery was that many Indian people, mostly women are so obsessed with fair skin. They will go to the ends of the Earth to lighter there skin.They believe ark skin complexion is ugly and the lighter guarantees more opportunities in life. For example If you are fair skin there are bigger changes to get married , get better job and better opportunities in life. Issues that dark skin girls face are different for each girl. One girl was told that she Is a dark skin and Just because of that she will not will be wealthy and rich In her life. That her dark skin complexion will not bring her a husband. H ow was she feeling about that?She TLD get too upset because she knew that she will find someone that will like her for who she is. After being rejected couple times finally she found her husband with who now she has family. But not only now, Indian people are having this issue long time ago. Elder people are telling how some of them had been rejected and some of the weddings also been canceled. The girls had been called ugly. One girls said that she was feeling angry but on the end of the day she knows that not only the outside look what is important is inside too, it's the persons heart.One of the way they are trying to get fair skin Is by using fair skin cream. The fairness creams marketing strategies, which show that a girl can't get married unless she Is fair, change the mindset of Individuals. The visual media has changed Its strategy so much that even fair skin people also use fairness products They use different types of cream. One of them is the power brand called Fair and L ovely. Skin lightening products like this one is not Just used locally, the usage goes viral. The advertising they have for the cream is Just amazing .From the way how they are advertising it to the enormous number of users. Most of them tried to light their skin while on the other side the rest of the population face the problem, accepting It and moving on In life. My attention was drawn to the young dark skin boy, the way how he was treated from the people around him, his friends especially from his teachers. He tried to get fair skin with using creams. The influence from his surrounding affected his decision to different from the other kids. Imagine having no friends in school Just because of your skin color? Ewing ashamed of himself not wanting to be social with fear that his errs might beat him up because of his skin color. The way how they talked to him , the influence that it had on him like a young person who is now developing his morals, his personality , his behavior. I am glad that he is not that influenced from the teachers and that and that he has his family support to grow and develop by accepting his dark skin color like straight not weakness. Man also have been influenced by this trend of bleaching skin. They also thing that being like skin can bring you more opportunities in life.They still believe that if you are dark skin you are poor person and no wealthy. Through the different stages this fair skin stereotyping or Colorist has a different effect. From its impact on self-esteem to it impact on career's and marriage. From one side, I believe everyone is free to do whatever they want . On the other side its sad the opinion for fair skin, that only like that people are beautiful, is so deeply ingrained into the culture. Lets something that people from India don't do it for themselves it's about society and pleasing others.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Sentinel Event

A1. Sentinel Event Review of the medical record for the specified patient (SP) was completed 09/16/12. The medical record revealed that the SP was a minor child with a diagnosis of history of frequent and recurrent tonsillitis and was scheduled to have the tonsils and adenoids removed 09/14/12 at 10:30 AM as an outpatient procedure. Review of the medical record for the day of 09/14/12 revealed that the SP was admitted to the pre-admission testing area at 9:00 AM. At 10:00 AM the SP was in the pre-operative area with the peripheral intravenous line in place and the pre-operative medications were being administered.At 10:30 AM the SP was in the operating room (OR) and the procedure was performed as scheduled. At 11:15 AM, the SP was moved from the OR to the post anesthesia care unit (PACU). At 12:15 PM, the SP was successfully recovered from the procedure and both the surgeon and the anesthesiologist cleared the SP to go home. The medical record revealed a nurse’s note by the pr e-operative nurse on 09/14/12 at 10:30 AM that documented a conversation between the pre-operative nurse and the SP’s mother where the mother stated she was leaving to run an errand involving an older sibling and left a cellular telephone number.The only documented instruction from the mother was for the nurse to call if the SP got out of surgery sooner than expected. In an interview with the PACU nurse conducted on 09/15/12 at 10:00 AM, the PACU nurse stated that on 09/14/12 at approximately 12:30 PM, the patient was released for home to her father, who was identified by his driver’s license; the PACU nurse stated that she provided written instructions for the patient’s post-operative care and follow up appointment to the father.The PACU nurse stated that the patient’s father verbalized understanding of the discharge instructions and left with the patient. The medical record lacked documentation of this encounter. The medical record also lacked documenta tion of any restrictions as to which parent was permitted to take the patient home. The patient’s mother arrived at the hospital on 09/14/12 at approximately 1:00 PM to take the patient home and was extremely distraught when she discovered her daughter was not in the PACU as she expected.There was a shift change at 1:00 PM and the oncoming nurses did not know that the patient was released to her father. As a result, security was called and a hospital-wide child abduction alert (code pink) was activated. In addition to hospital security, local law enforcement was also notified of the missing child. The SP’s mother told the hospital security officer that she and the SP’s father were divorced and she had full custody of the SP and the SP’s siblings. On 09/14/12 at approximately 1:30 PM, the SP was located at the father’s residence, in the care of the father.The SP’s father stated that he took the SP to his residence to wait for the SP’s mother to arrive. No charges were filed against the SP’s father. The hospital management and security personnel assured the SP’s mother that this incident would be investigated and processes would be put in place to prevent it from happening in the future. A2. Personnel There were several employees who had interactions with the SP and her mother during the outpatient hospital procedure. The first person was the hospital registrar who took the SP’s demographic information from the SP’s mother.The next person was the pre-operative nurse who took obtained the SP’s clinical information and medical history from the SP’s mother, performed the initial physical assessment (height, weight, vital signs, cardio-pulmonary, and head to toe), and obtained peripheral intravenous access. The people who then interacted with the SP were the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and the operating room nurses. The surgeon also had an office visit with the SP and her m other in the days leading up to the surgery. The OR nurse took over care when the SP was moved from the pre-operative area to the OR.The OR nurse made the SP comfortable until she was under the anesthesia and began the recovery process after the surgery was completed. The next person who interacted with the SP was the post anesthesia care unit (PACU) nurse. The PACU nurse was responsible for monitoring the SP during the recovery phase when she was coming out from under the anesthesia. During the post anesthesia phase, the surgeon and the SP assessed and evaluated the SP. Both the surgeon and the anesthesiologist had to sign the papers to release the patient to the discharge nurse. Finally, the patient was transferred to the care of the discharge nurse.The discharge nurse released the SP to her father. After the SP’s mother came back to the hospital and reported the SP was missing, the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) was immediately involved. The CNO met with the SP’s mothe r and alerted the security team and local police to the disappearance of the child. The local police were able to locate the SP at her father’s house approximately 30 minutes after she was reported missing. The CNO had the responsibility to the SP’s mother to launch the investigation into the cause of her disappearance and to implement a plan of correction so the incident could be prevented in the future. A3.Personnel Issues Several factors negatively affected the coordination of patient care by the employees on 09/14/12. First, the communication between the admission personnel and the SP’s mother was ineffective when the registrar failed to obtain privacy information and/or ask about any custody situation. Second, the pre-operative nurse did obtain the custody information and the mother’s cellular telephone number and documented these on her clip board. However, the pre-operative nurse failed to report this as important information to the operating room nurse upon transfer of the SP from the pre-operative area to the operating room.As a result, the operating room nurse did not alert the PACU nurse to this important information upon transfer of the SP from the OR to the PACU area. The hospital failed to have hand off policies and procedures in place when a patient was moved from one area of surgery to another. They depended solely on their electronic record and did not have any reporting requirements in place when a patient was moved from the admission to pre-operative to operative to post-operative areas. There was a cultural/language barrier between the PACU nurse and the Hispanic discharge nurse making verbal communication very difficult.Other factors of poor communication were staffing ratios and the perspectives and attitudes of the staff. In interviews conducted with the registrar, the pre-operative nurse, the PACU nurse, and the discharge nurse after the sentinel event, they all had a negative, finger pointing attitude of doi ng the minimum to get by and not taking responsibility for the sentinel event. There was also a cumulative feeling among the staff of fear of reprimand or of being ignored in expressing thoughts about the security of pediatric patients in the surgery area, â€Å"Organizational structure has a direct impact n the communication within an organization. The way the hierarchy of an organization is designed either invites feedback, open-mindedness and effective communication or stifles, controls and restricts the ability of subordinates to freely express thoughts, feelings and ideas (Papa 2012). † In the post sentinel event interview, the pre-operative nurse expressed an idea about matching hospital wrist bands for both the child and the parent. This was a good idea, but no system for matching wrist bands was in place.The pre-operative and post-operative areas were understaffed that day making communication among the nurses hurried and ineffective, ultimately creating gaps in commu nication and contributing to the sentinel event. The fact that the surgical area was so short staffed left very little time for the nurses to give hand off reports. As a result, many important details were overlooked. The CNO failed to ensure that the required monthly staffing meetings were held among the surgical team members.Finally, the security personnel were not even called for several minutes after the SP was reported as missing and the security manager failed to perform the â€Å"code pink† child abduction drills on a quarterly basis as required by the hospital’s policy. A3a. Improve Interactions The initiative to improve interactions among the personnel working on 09/14/12 included a new policy implemented on 10/01/12 regarding obtaining custody information and privacy information at the point of registration for any minor child whether it is in the emergency room, inpatient, or outpatient areas of the hospital.This policy included a stipulation that three thin gs are established: a list of people who are permitted private information, a list of people who are permitted to take the patient out of the hospital, and a four digit pin number established by the parent. Information and/or the patient themselves will only be released strictly to a person who is both on the privacy list and who have the pin number. A policy and procedure was also implemented on 10/01/12 in the outpatient surgery area which included detailed procedures for patient hand off when the patient was moved from one area to the next.A new patient hand off form was created which included basic demographic data, medical history, allergies, medication profile, the privacy list, pin number, and any other pertinent custody information for minor children. The registrar must document that both a verbal report and the written report were given to the pre-operative nurse. The pre-operative nurse must then document this same information was relayed both verbally and in writing to th e OR nurse and the OR nurse is also required to document this same information was relayed both verbally and in writing to the PACU nurse.The hand off forms must be signed by both the person reporting off and the person receiving the report and filed in the patient’s paper chart or scanned into the patient’s electronic medical record. A mandatory in-service meeting for all staff was held on 09/28/12 to teach the staff the new policy and procedures. Also, the required monthly staff meetings for the entire surgical team (including physicians) will be implemented to serve as a town hall approach discussion to get any complaints or suggestions by the staff out in the open.In addition to the monthly staff meeting, there will be required in-service education for the staff for the next twelve months including patient safety, child abduction prevention, improvisational workshops to prompt discussion among staff, patient hand-off, time out before discharge, patient rights, dive rsity training, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, shift change reporting, patient satisfaction, and patient education. A4. Quality Improvement The identification and data gathering quality improvement method was used in the root cause analysis of the sentinel event.First the problem was identified; the processes needing improvement were pediatric safety and staff communication. These processes were identified through the post sentinel event interviews of the staff, administrative staff post sentinel event huddles, and surgery staff post sentinel event huddle (including security staff). The data was gathered from the SP’s medical records and a timeline was created starting when the SP entered the hospital and ending when the SP left the hospital with her father. This timeline included an analysis of what was actually done by each employee and also what should have been done to prevent the sentinel event.The question of why was asked when inactions were determined to be what resulted in the sentinel event. Along with the SP’s medical record, all other medical records for minor children who received outpatient surgery at the hospital during the first two weeks in September were also analyzed to determine that the inactions on the part of the outpatient surgery staff were a systemic problem and that this was not an isolated case. Staffing ratio policies were reviewed and security policies on â€Å"code pink† drills were also reviewed.Staff meetings were held weekly where feedback was provided to staff during the root cause analysis process regarding performance indicators and benchmarking against other hospitals of similar size in the areas of patient hand offs, staff to patient ratios and performance of security drills including child abduction drills. After the data was gathered, all involved in the sentinel event were gathered and a list of causes of the sentinel event was created. This list was used in creating the recommendat ions to improve staff communication and creating the process change to ensure that the sentinel even does not recur.B1. Risk Management Program The process of obtaining custody information and privacy information at the point of registration for any minor child, in all areas of the hospital, will be managed and directed by the head Quality Improvement Officer of the hospital. The new policy also has a requirement to prevent the sentinel event from happening again; at the point of registration any minor child under the age of 18 will have a bar-coded band put on their wrist or if they are less than four years old, on their ankle.The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) will be required to wear a wrist band with a matching bar code. Before the child is discharged home, both wrist bands will be scanned with the computer bar code scanner to ensure the wrist bands match. Only the parent(s) or guardian(s) with proof of legal custody will have the wrist band. Additionally, at the point of regist ration, the parent(s) or guardian(s) will be asked to choose a four digit pin number which will be noted in the electronic medical record under the security tab.At the point of discharge, the parent(s) or guardian(s) will be required to give the four digit pin number before the child is released to them for discharge. These measures are to be implemented by 10/05/12 with 100% compliance expected by 10/12/12. Starting on 10/05/12, the Quality Improvement Officer will audit 25% of all admission paperwork on a weekly basis to ensure compliance with the new policy. The Quality Improvement Officer will keep a log of this audit process and the outcomes of the audits. If a registrar is found to be out of compliance with the requirement, disciplinary action will occur.Starting 10/05/12, the Nurse Manager of the outpatient surgery area is required to audit 25% of the outpatient medical records on a weekly basis for compliance with the new patient hand off policy and procedure which applies t o adult and minor child patients. She will also keep a log of this audit process and the outcomes of the audits. The Quality Improvement Officer and the Nurse Manager of the outpatient surgery area will hold bi-weekly meetings with the heads of each department in the hospital to review the audit results and to obtain feedback from each department regarding the new policies and procedures.The Nurse Manager of the outpatient surgery area will hold bi-weekly meetings with the outpatient surgery staff to review the audit results and to obtain feedback on the new admission process for minor children and the new patient hand off process for all patients. Starting 10/01/12, the Nurse Manager of the outpatient surgery area will also be responsible for closely monitoring the daily staffing ratios and ensuring that adequate staff is working during each shift.Also starting 10/01/12, the head of the security department will be responsible for performing the â€Å"code pink† drills monthl y and documenting these in the security log book. New security cameras will also be installed in the outpatient surgery area, at all exit doors, by 10/12/12. B1a. Resources The resources needed to support the changes to prevent the sentinel event from recurring are the medical staff, corporate compliance staff, administrative staff, human resources, and outside compliance consultants.The legal team was immediately involved in the sentinel event to minimize the risk involved in an event such as child abduction. The finance department will provide the financial resources to purchase the new bar coded band system and the new security cameras. The staff will need to be trained on the new policies and procedures by the education department. Also, it is essential that each shift and each department have an adequate staffing ratio which is the responsibility of the hospital administration and the CNO.Human resources, administration, and the CNO were involved in interviewing and counseling the staff involved in the sentinel event. They will have an ongoing responsibility to follow up with the staff to ensure compliance with the new policies and procedures. Outside compliance consultants were also utilized in completing the root cause analysis, creation of the plan of correction, and implementing the plan of correction. C. Sources Papa, J. (2012, May 9). General format. Retrieved from http://www. ehow. com/about_6071356_communication-organizational-structure. html

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Origin Of World In Egyptian Mythology

Their understanding of the cosmic order was from direct observation of nature. Therefore their creation myths concern themselves with gods of nature; the earth, the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars, and of course, the Nile river. According to their ancient belief, waters of chaos surrounded the world, which was divided in three parts: â€Å"Earth†, â€Å"Sky† and â€Å"Underworld† also known as â€Å"Duat†. In their belief the sun used to journey down to the underworld at night, which was why it couldn’t be seen. But the crucial and disturbing question that came to pass was that how did it all began in the first place. There are numerous perception and paradigms concerning this essential question. â€Å"The River Nile† had an all-enveloping aspect on the Egyptian life. The Nile was worshipped as a god and had a place in Egyptian ritual and mythology. . Since the Nile River, with its annual floods played a critical role in this cosmic order. It should come as no surprise to find water the fundamental element in the Egyptians ideas of creation. As with the Nile, each year the flood no doubt caused commotion to all creatures living on the land, eventually the floods would recede and out of the chaos of water would emerge a mound, which contained procreative energy that was the source of all life. The mound was the key to all creations. This â€Å"Risen Land† personified the god â€Å"Tatjenen†. Now after that another essential question that arose was where did this mound arose at first and who was the first god to appear. Division of Egypt: Looking back at Egyptian civilization we find that it was divided in two parts; â€Å"Upper Egypt† also known as â€Å"Heliopolis† and â€Å"Lower Egypt† known as â€Å"Hermopolis†. Each of these claiming that the mound rose in their part of the land gave different theories about the origin of world. Heliopolis’s Conception: At â€Å"Heliopolis† the â€Å"Ennead† i.e. â€Å"Group of nine gods† were worsh... Free Essays on Origin Of World In Egyptian Mythology Free Essays on Origin Of World In Egyptian Mythology Their understanding of the cosmic order was from direct observation of nature. Therefore their creation myths concern themselves with gods of nature; the earth, the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars, and of course, the Nile river. According to their ancient belief, waters of chaos surrounded the world, which was divided in three parts: â€Å"Earth†, â€Å"Sky† and â€Å"Underworld† also known as â€Å"Duat†. In their belief the sun used to journey down to the underworld at night, which was why it couldn’t be seen. But the crucial and disturbing question that came to pass was that how did it all began in the first place. There are numerous perception and paradigms concerning this essential question. â€Å"The River Nile† had an all-enveloping aspect on the Egyptian life. The Nile was worshipped as a god and had a place in Egyptian ritual and mythology. . Since the Nile River, with its annual floods played a critical role in this cosmic order. It should come as no surprise to find water the fundamental element in the Egyptians ideas of creation. As with the Nile, each year the flood no doubt caused commotion to all creatures living on the land, eventually the floods would recede and out of the chaos of water would emerge a mound, which contained procreative energy that was the source of all life. The mound was the key to all creations. This â€Å"Risen Land† personified the god â€Å"Tatjenen†. Now after that another essential question that arose was where did this mound arose at first and who was the first god to appear. Division of Egypt: Looking back at Egyptian civilization we find that it was divided in two parts; â€Å"Upper Egypt† also known as â€Å"Heliopolis† and â€Å"Lower Egypt† known as â€Å"Hermopolis†. Each of these claiming that the mound rose in their part of the land gave different theories about the origin of world. Heliopolis’s Conception: At â€Å"Heliopolis† the â€Å"Ennead† i.e. â€Å"Group of nine gods† were worsh...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Construct a Strong Conclusion

How to Construct a Strong Conclusion How to Construct a Strong Conclusion Once you’ve written most of an assigned paper, you might struggle to create a proper conclusion. The conclusion, when you leave your audience with your final message, could be the part a reader remembers most. Knowing this, the conclusion should be written with as much thought and consideration as the rest of your piece. If you’re having trouble constructing a strong conclusion, here are some useful pointers: What makes a good conclusion? A good conclusion needs to combine your ideas accurately and seamlessly. It is expected to bring your reader back to your thesis statement and emphasize its significance. The reader should also have a general reminder of your main points and feel compelled to act in some way, motivated by what they learned from your paper. Different ways to form your conclusion Restate your introduction This conveys the reader back to your starting point and links all the ideas in the essay. Revisit the question or statement in your introduction that was meant to catch your reader’s interest this could be an illustration, a question, a story, or a famous quote. In this type of conclusion, you answer your question, provide the final events of the story, or give further details to explain your statement. Outline your main points A quick and simple way to end your paper is to reiterate your main ideas. This method works well for longer essays but may be tedious if used for shorter ones. Rather than merely repeating your ideas, it’s more interesting to the reader when you show how your points are connected. Issue a challenge to your reader You can stimulate your reader to do something or initiate a change based on the findings of your paper. Present this challenge or call to action and its benefits to the reader or its advantages over other actions. Your aim is to inspire your reader with their ability to create positive change in their own life or in the lives of others. Visualize the future Though the particulars of your essay, you help your readers broaden their view and look at the bigger picture. Your goal is to help them understand the relevance of your views to their present or future condition and realize how these affect their life or impact society in general. Present a thought-provoking question If you wish your reader to think more about the topic and explore your ideas further, you can leave them with a question. This could be used to inject a different viewpoint from that stated at the beginning of the essay or to offer interesting or unique information. A solid conclusion to your paper makes it more memorable. It ties your introduction and body into a unified whole. Knowing different ways to create a good conclusion helps you organize your thoughts better and choose the method that suits you. If you need assistance with essays, papers, case studies, and other academic research, in the GTA and throughout Canada is here to help. Our team of professional writers specializes in services for your academic needs. Get in touch with us at 1-800-573-0840.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Origins of Organizational Research (Case Study) Coursework

The Origins of Organizational Research (Case Study) - Coursework Example While Rousseau (1997) covers the same ground, particular attention in this case would be paid to the Barley and Kunda article which provides a thorough and scholarly review of the management literature dating back to the industrial revolution. The approach used in this research article is mainly theoretical in nature as it seeks to analyse the development of different models and theories that seek to explore how research in management has been developed over a period of time dating back to the industrial revolution. Various theories were formulated by other scholars hence this subject would not be new in the field of research which makes it imperative to comment on the existing theories and attempt to identify any research gap in the literature available if there would be need for the formulation of any other theoretical framework that may significant in conducting future researches. This case quotes the contribution of (Chandler, 1977), which posits that modern American industrial history is marked not only by the rise of large corporations and the professionalization of management but by the formulation of theories that minister to one of managements central problems: the control of complex organisations. Whilst this is not a direct quotation, the researchers acknowledge that the industrial history is a complex issue and some scholars have previously attempted to look at the same topic. An indirect quote is significant in that it generalises the theories or any other information that exists on the topic under review. A close analysis of the Barley and Kunda article and the Campion article show that the use of references has been widespread and extensive throughout. This is a review article and Campion posits that review articles should be more comprehensive in the references included. It can also be noted that multiple referencing is a common feature of the review article. In attempting to emphasise a point, in some instances, the authors used

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Culture of Caution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Culture of Caution - Essay Example ects of the culture they were raised in to illustrate the various ways in which the Caribbean culture has grown up as a culture of caution, although not necessarily a culture of inaction. One reason for this insecurity is derived from the origins of the islands’ peoples. Their slave origin automatically introduces a strong element of caution in that no one was able to make their own decisions, driven to work hard on the grueling process of raising sugar cane and extracting the sugar with little to no distinction made between male and female workers. All were expected to work their share and then some. Survival was little more than an accident of chance, forcing many to plan two or three steps ahead in terms of taking care of their families or helping their fellow workers. It was this tendency to pool together their resources as a means of hedging against the uncertainty of the future that started the slaves of the islands on the path to revolution. Slave revolts, at first brought on by the extreme conditions and the great majority of slaves to plantation owners present in the islands, eventually brought many new freedoms and opportunities to the slave class, but were insufficient to provide a stable future. Partially driven by the British tendency to select some few promising individuals from among the black population to act as intermediaries, minor functionaries and educators, the subsequent rights and freedoms that were won continued to support the drive for yet further revolts and revolutions as a means of gaining even greater freedoms. Yet these freedoms, such as education, remained available for only a minority of West Indians, as is evidenced in the fact that Colin Powell’s mother, educated at a high school level, was part of only 2 percent of the population that had attained such high levels of academic training. Although Mrs. Powell’s education was higher than the educational levels achieved by many black Americans at the time, this is no

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing Plan - Assignment Example Additionally, in terms of distribution strategy, it will be effectively necessary to engage with existing supply chains rather than utilize or create a dedicated LynLicious supply chain for the company. Once again, the underlying reason behind this has to do with the fact that the creation of dedicated supply chain and distribution strategy would create an unnecessary cost burden on the firm; especially in the opening stages of business development and growth. Within this dynamic, it is easy to understand why the firm would be fundamentally fearful of accruing an unmanageable level of cost with respect to a dedicated distribution network as opposed to seeking to contract existing distribution suppliers to fulfill the needs as they are exhibited by the market. Lynlicius will be competing with some of the most well represented and powerful shoe and fashion designers within the current market (Shi & Liu, 2012). For instance, New Balance, Esprit, Clark’s, and a litany of others already compete within the market for fashionable shoes that exhibit at least some certain level of comfort. Naturally, comparing this to which competitor is able to maximize both of these goals, the reader can adequately understand that the competitors strengths and weaknesses very commensurately. For instance, Clark’s focuses most heavily upon comfort with only a small level of focus on style; shifting or varying different product lines only minimally from season to season or year-to-year. By means of contrast, new balance is more of a workout and training fashion and shoe provider; one that does not necessarily place a high level of focus upon form and fashion with respect to the professional woman (He et al., 2014). Lastly, Esprit is perhaps the most relevant competition that exists within the market; due to the fact that the company places a high level of focus both upon form and fashion. However, the relatively low quality and high cost that this particular brand

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Advantages Of The Recycling Process

Advantages Of The Recycling Process As the word recycling denotes to, it involves a process in which used materials are processed chemically or by a scientific processes or organically into new products for further use, which comes as the useful material out of the waste. There are many kinds of recycling process being initiated, be it paper recycling, plastic recycling, garbage recycling, to name a few among the common features of recycling process involved. The need that arises to recycle used material and products, be it plastics, garbages etc is significant in a sense given that environmental concerns and the impact of used material to be precise has had a detrimental effect on the environment. Environmentalists are very much in favor of the recycling concepts, given that it adds ups to the environmental cause and the benefits are tremendous. There are many advantages of the recycling process involved for material or any matter thereof. The significance and importance of recycling process also cannot just be sided apart and brushed inside the carpet. Many prominent personalities and global leader are also very much in favor of recycling concepts and measures initiated in that regard. To top it all, with scientific and technological advancement, the process of recycling also have been made easier and convenient enough to derive the best out of every measured undertaken and in a sense to produce fresh material out of the material already in use. The cost involved also is lesser with long term benefits; ecologically that is initiated through sustainable measures. Purpose and Issue The subject matter in generic when it concern to recycling is a huge avenue to explore upon, literally. There are bundles of materials and coverage that defines the many faces of recycling process, its advantages, disadvantages, significance and all in between the feature that stand aloof from the ordinary. What is particular to recycling can be analyzed from different lenses. Generally, recycling has a greater impact today than ever before. The subject matter of its discussion and pointer for arguments also is a heated topic, either in the academic, political and environmental groups and their circles. Emphasizing in respect of the subject matter in discussion, it should be clarified herein that the purpose of this report is to define the many aspects of recycling in general and what makes it so important and significant in the contemporary world today. Issue that is interrelated to the subject matter also can be analyzed from an objective perspective. Take for instance the concern being raised for garbage and waste disposal that are generated and garbage management process involved that harms the environment and its surrounding. In another instance, question that also arises can be bracketed towards material and products that are being used haphazardly and disposed off unnecessarily. Yet there is every purpose to be identified that may be significant to counterview the essence of recycling, and everything involved in it. In that capacity and in context of recycling in general, the question and purpose of this report is to define and extrapolate the following questions in general as can be summarized below:- What defines the nature and significance of recycling in general? How can recycling be achieved for its designated purpose and benefits to be generated in that regard? Does the question of recycling in general readily register with the public domains? If that is the case then how, and why not if it is otherwise? Does recycling takes shapes only from the environmental concern being raised in the materialistic world that we live in? Above all, what are the features in substance involving recycling? How are recycling process achieved, and what are the different aspects of recycling? In general, and in particular to this question, recycling can be of many different types. Take for instance paper recycling, plastic recycling, e-material waste recycling to name a few among its class, which involves different tactics and scientific process involved to achieve the desired goals of recycling as a measure for environmental benefits. Considering these question in general, it should be clarified that this report attempts to extrapolate the many aspects of recycling process in general in consideration of the above-mentioned question, which is discussed as follows. Defining the Nature and Significance of Recycling Looking back as to where recycling and its concepts originated is hard to trace and is based on speculation, although people have been recycling material and products one or the other way since longtime back. And the concept of recycling is not a new altogether. But its impact and that which register readily with the public is felt with greater force in the contemporary context. To start with in this regard specific to this part of the discussion, experts and scholars are of the opinion that nature possesses a tremendous capacity to recycle several categories of waste by biodegradation aided by decomposer organism on earth. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 43) This is true in a sense, given that recycling process at best can be aided by the process of biodegradation. Yet there are certain things that biodegradations at times make it hard to reach the salient objective of recycling processes, that also for certain material and products and that which calls for technology and scientific advancement. Nonetheless, with scientific and technological advancements today, recycling process can be aided and facilitated accordingly in reaping the results that has a greater impact to make a change and stabilize the negative effects of waste materials that are generated daily in huge capacity by people across the globe and their activities. Going back to the nature of recycling, it should be looked into the encompassing facts that several municipal and as well as solid industrial waste have the potential to be recycled, where the call of the time is for appropriate technology. The good news although is that new technique are being maximized considerably to make the recycling process worth enough in recovering materials that maybe useful for further use after processing, rather than going to the landfill. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 43) In this respect, we can reason that recycling process has a greater significance than ever before. As a matter of fact, people around the globe today also are harnessing the best out of what technology has to offer and making the best use of it to recycle waste products and garbages into some useful materials as byproducts. Moreover, a point to consider again when it matter to recycling concepts in general is that its impact and awareness is being felt greatly in the current scenario. Add to it, the good news is that the growth for market for many classes of recycling material is due in part due to policy incentives, but also to more general conditions. (OECD, 2006, p. 11) Questions being raised by policy makers and environmentalist alike when it concerns the environment also counter point the salient instance for recycling and its initiative. The need to facilitate a habitual cause showered a way as well to be precise, where recycling and its processes is the call of the hour as an urgent measure to keep the environment in check from distracting elements. In context of the above notion and its arguments, what we can reason again is the fact that many cases and causes of recycling and its development process take roots under instances and measures initiated by public authority for a solution that seeks and attempts to reach a conclusion that is beneficial, (OECD, 2006, p. 11) for the environment, the society and feeding the ever increasing needs of the materialistic society that we live in today. To conclude in this regard, attending to the need of the society for material and products can be reasoned again to be good enough to be reached through recycling process, where waste materials are processed as byproducts, either be it for paper, e-waste, garbages etc through measures wherein recycling assist and further expands the very notion of ecological measures and sustainable development process in the contemporary society today. Environmental Concerns and the many face of Recycling In each and every instance when it matter to the subject matter arguments, environmental concerns and its features have always make a mark to claims a place of contention in between to derive astonishing discussion in the society. Measure initiated accordingly and in respect to derive best available solutions towards the hazard of waste material is also one pointer to put into force for a constructive solution through recycling processes. In respect of the abovementioned pointer, the need for recycling also can be looked again not only to the environmental concerns alone, but also towards public health and safety in regard. The best example in that capacity also can be emphasized and measured in contention towards industrial waste such as chemicals and their source activity that posit greater hazards (DIANEPublishingCompany, 1996, p. 33) to the environment as well to the society and public health in the forms of insecticides, herbicides, chemical paints, waste and harmful construction materials, waste oils, which carry within them a residue that is harmful and can impact the environment negatively in many ways. (DIANEPublishingCompany, 1996, p. 33) Hence, concerns being raised are not unnecessarily. The objective to define the features of recycling also can be put into force the practicality of the process involved overall in seeking a solution that is effective ad has greater benefits for the society today. What have been the crucial development that brought about the necessary measures in context of recycling processes are the features that relates towards waste material management itself and the concern being raised and options available in that regard. There is every point to note the fact from an ecological perspective, wherein the concerns have been over the effect of human actions on the environment, (Robert V. Percival, 1997, p. 3) which is a matter of fact. Increasing human activities in the societies have brought about many changes that have impacted the environment drastically. Moreover, waste that are generated daily that amount to millions of tons are finding it hard to find a landfill. The sad state is that the materialistic world that we live in further makes the issue of waste and its generation worse in a sense. Its something that goes like the adage something lost in translation. Yet solutions are there, but with least effect given the development stages and ever increasing wants of humans. Considering these crucial aspects and the critical issue of waste and its environmental impact, the questions that can be been raised again as a matter of fact is where to put up all the waste material generated daily apart from the recycling process for certain waste materials. The hard fact is that people and the society today have found themselves in situations where it reached a stage of declining of landfills, wherein the features of it reflect many factors in context of recycling as a necessary measure to be undertaken. To top it all, the fact that is relevant also can be emphasized again to the question and its arguments being raised to many aspects of waste material and garbages landfills that have been closed as they pose unacceptable environmental risks related to locations, designs, operations and most importantly because such landfills have filled up, (Richard A. Denison, 1990, p. 4) where a solution to such concern and problems are being initiated in context of recycling waste and other materials for a solution that also facilitate an environmental cause. Yet the development process in that regard is heading in a snail pace, despite the many measure being taken towards environmental concerns and the need for recycling for a lasting and relevant solution. An Exemplification of Recycling Types and their Benefits In general and looking at the concerns being raised towards waste material, we are of the opinion that there are many forms and formats of recycling processes and their types to differentiate upon. Take for example recycling process initiated toward paper, plastic, e-waste, metals and glasses and the environmental benefits that can be derived to be precise in each one of it. Plastic as we know of are one of the many hazards thats posits harmful and negative ecological impact. Take for example the fact that it would be hard to imagine a modern society today without plastic, given that plastic have found itself a place in myriad uses in fields as diverse as home appliances, construction, medicines, and packaging, (Goodship, 2007, p. 5) to name a few of its many uses that human cannot do away with or without. Hence the effect of its waste on the environment is also greater, and posits many risks and health concerns. As a matter of fact, the benefits from recycled plastic to be precise are tremendous. Generally, plastic are made from crude oil, hence recycling of plastic waste material further assist in conserving the natural resource in the form of crude oil, (Goodship, 2007, p. 5) feels experts. Looking back to this notion and reflecting the measure being initiated, we are of the opinion that the need for appropriate technology always make a mark to claim a place in instances as detailed above, given that several municipal and industrial waste has the potential to be recycled and processed for further use, and in that respect the need of the hour is appropriate technology for recycling, each one the suits specific purpose. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 43) To cite an example again when it concern to recycling; especially paper recycling, we are of the opinion that paper recycling and the benefits of it can be measured in great many ways, given that out of new paper, hard cardboard, and other high grade paper that are recycled, by products can be generated in the form of new material that are recovered by the application of available technology for use again in the most effective way. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 44) Besides, out of paper recycling to be precise and the endeavor made and facilitated in that regard as well, many environmental causes can be kept at check or minimize the same in the most effective ways. The means to look for new paper also does not arise, if cases such as recycling of paper make readily available material for use that can be generated through recycling process. Conclusion What we can finally conclude is that technology, scientific, biological and chemical process comes as the best measure to be reached for each particular recycling measures initiated towards waste materials for a benefit outcomes. Going back and reflecting towards recycling altogether, and reaching a conclusion from an economic perspective, there is reason enough to reflect and to emphasized with the fact that recycling process of any given waste materials has value additions, given that waste has a negative economic and environmental value, and also add up as a big techno-economic problem for the society. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 41) Yet a point to note and the hard fact is that recycling and awareness measure initiated in that regard is good instance considering the issue at stake in aiding and furthering the essence and quality of life in the society for a sustainable solutions.