Thursday, October 31, 2019

Culture of Caution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Culture of Caution - Essay Example ects of the culture they were raised in to illustrate the various ways in which the Caribbean culture has grown up as a culture of caution, although not necessarily a culture of inaction. One reason for this insecurity is derived from the origins of the islands’ peoples. Their slave origin automatically introduces a strong element of caution in that no one was able to make their own decisions, driven to work hard on the grueling process of raising sugar cane and extracting the sugar with little to no distinction made between male and female workers. All were expected to work their share and then some. Survival was little more than an accident of chance, forcing many to plan two or three steps ahead in terms of taking care of their families or helping their fellow workers. It was this tendency to pool together their resources as a means of hedging against the uncertainty of the future that started the slaves of the islands on the path to revolution. Slave revolts, at first brought on by the extreme conditions and the great majority of slaves to plantation owners present in the islands, eventually brought many new freedoms and opportunities to the slave class, but were insufficient to provide a stable future. Partially driven by the British tendency to select some few promising individuals from among the black population to act as intermediaries, minor functionaries and educators, the subsequent rights and freedoms that were won continued to support the drive for yet further revolts and revolutions as a means of gaining even greater freedoms. Yet these freedoms, such as education, remained available for only a minority of West Indians, as is evidenced in the fact that Colin Powell’s mother, educated at a high school level, was part of only 2 percent of the population that had attained such high levels of academic training. Although Mrs. Powell’s education was higher than the educational levels achieved by many black Americans at the time, this is no

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing Plan - Assignment Example Additionally, in terms of distribution strategy, it will be effectively necessary to engage with existing supply chains rather than utilize or create a dedicated LynLicious supply chain for the company. Once again, the underlying reason behind this has to do with the fact that the creation of dedicated supply chain and distribution strategy would create an unnecessary cost burden on the firm; especially in the opening stages of business development and growth. Within this dynamic, it is easy to understand why the firm would be fundamentally fearful of accruing an unmanageable level of cost with respect to a dedicated distribution network as opposed to seeking to contract existing distribution suppliers to fulfill the needs as they are exhibited by the market. Lynlicius will be competing with some of the most well represented and powerful shoe and fashion designers within the current market (Shi & Liu, 2012). For instance, New Balance, Esprit, Clark’s, and a litany of others already compete within the market for fashionable shoes that exhibit at least some certain level of comfort. Naturally, comparing this to which competitor is able to maximize both of these goals, the reader can adequately understand that the competitors strengths and weaknesses very commensurately. For instance, Clark’s focuses most heavily upon comfort with only a small level of focus on style; shifting or varying different product lines only minimally from season to season or year-to-year. By means of contrast, new balance is more of a workout and training fashion and shoe provider; one that does not necessarily place a high level of focus upon form and fashion with respect to the professional woman (He et al., 2014). Lastly, Esprit is perhaps the most relevant competition that exists within the market; due to the fact that the company places a high level of focus both upon form and fashion. However, the relatively low quality and high cost that this particular brand

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Advantages Of The Recycling Process

Advantages Of The Recycling Process As the word recycling denotes to, it involves a process in which used materials are processed chemically or by a scientific processes or organically into new products for further use, which comes as the useful material out of the waste. There are many kinds of recycling process being initiated, be it paper recycling, plastic recycling, garbage recycling, to name a few among the common features of recycling process involved. The need that arises to recycle used material and products, be it plastics, garbages etc is significant in a sense given that environmental concerns and the impact of used material to be precise has had a detrimental effect on the environment. Environmentalists are very much in favor of the recycling concepts, given that it adds ups to the environmental cause and the benefits are tremendous. There are many advantages of the recycling process involved for material or any matter thereof. The significance and importance of recycling process also cannot just be sided apart and brushed inside the carpet. Many prominent personalities and global leader are also very much in favor of recycling concepts and measures initiated in that regard. To top it all, with scientific and technological advancement, the process of recycling also have been made easier and convenient enough to derive the best out of every measured undertaken and in a sense to produce fresh material out of the material already in use. The cost involved also is lesser with long term benefits; ecologically that is initiated through sustainable measures. Purpose and Issue The subject matter in generic when it concern to recycling is a huge avenue to explore upon, literally. There are bundles of materials and coverage that defines the many faces of recycling process, its advantages, disadvantages, significance and all in between the feature that stand aloof from the ordinary. What is particular to recycling can be analyzed from different lenses. Generally, recycling has a greater impact today than ever before. The subject matter of its discussion and pointer for arguments also is a heated topic, either in the academic, political and environmental groups and their circles. Emphasizing in respect of the subject matter in discussion, it should be clarified herein that the purpose of this report is to define the many aspects of recycling in general and what makes it so important and significant in the contemporary world today. Issue that is interrelated to the subject matter also can be analyzed from an objective perspective. Take for instance the concern being raised for garbage and waste disposal that are generated and garbage management process involved that harms the environment and its surrounding. In another instance, question that also arises can be bracketed towards material and products that are being used haphazardly and disposed off unnecessarily. Yet there is every purpose to be identified that may be significant to counterview the essence of recycling, and everything involved in it. In that capacity and in context of recycling in general, the question and purpose of this report is to define and extrapolate the following questions in general as can be summarized below:- What defines the nature and significance of recycling in general? How can recycling be achieved for its designated purpose and benefits to be generated in that regard? Does the question of recycling in general readily register with the public domains? If that is the case then how, and why not if it is otherwise? Does recycling takes shapes only from the environmental concern being raised in the materialistic world that we live in? Above all, what are the features in substance involving recycling? How are recycling process achieved, and what are the different aspects of recycling? In general, and in particular to this question, recycling can be of many different types. Take for instance paper recycling, plastic recycling, e-material waste recycling to name a few among its class, which involves different tactics and scientific process involved to achieve the desired goals of recycling as a measure for environmental benefits. Considering these question in general, it should be clarified that this report attempts to extrapolate the many aspects of recycling process in general in consideration of the above-mentioned question, which is discussed as follows. Defining the Nature and Significance of Recycling Looking back as to where recycling and its concepts originated is hard to trace and is based on speculation, although people have been recycling material and products one or the other way since longtime back. And the concept of recycling is not a new altogether. But its impact and that which register readily with the public is felt with greater force in the contemporary context. To start with in this regard specific to this part of the discussion, experts and scholars are of the opinion that nature possesses a tremendous capacity to recycle several categories of waste by biodegradation aided by decomposer organism on earth. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 43) This is true in a sense, given that recycling process at best can be aided by the process of biodegradation. Yet there are certain things that biodegradations at times make it hard to reach the salient objective of recycling processes, that also for certain material and products and that which calls for technology and scientific advancement. Nonetheless, with scientific and technological advancements today, recycling process can be aided and facilitated accordingly in reaping the results that has a greater impact to make a change and stabilize the negative effects of waste materials that are generated daily in huge capacity by people across the globe and their activities. Going back to the nature of recycling, it should be looked into the encompassing facts that several municipal and as well as solid industrial waste have the potential to be recycled, where the call of the time is for appropriate technology. The good news although is that new technique are being maximized considerably to make the recycling process worth enough in recovering materials that maybe useful for further use after processing, rather than going to the landfill. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 43) In this respect, we can reason that recycling process has a greater significance than ever before. As a matter of fact, people around the globe today also are harnessing the best out of what technology has to offer and making the best use of it to recycle waste products and garbages into some useful materials as byproducts. Moreover, a point to consider again when it matter to recycling concepts in general is that its impact and awareness is being felt greatly in the current scenario. Add to it, the good news is that the growth for market for many classes of recycling material is due in part due to policy incentives, but also to more general conditions. (OECD, 2006, p. 11) Questions being raised by policy makers and environmentalist alike when it concerns the environment also counter point the salient instance for recycling and its initiative. The need to facilitate a habitual cause showered a way as well to be precise, where recycling and its processes is the call of the hour as an urgent measure to keep the environment in check from distracting elements. In context of the above notion and its arguments, what we can reason again is the fact that many cases and causes of recycling and its development process take roots under instances and measures initiated by public authority for a solution that seeks and attempts to reach a conclusion that is beneficial, (OECD, 2006, p. 11) for the environment, the society and feeding the ever increasing needs of the materialistic society that we live in today. To conclude in this regard, attending to the need of the society for material and products can be reasoned again to be good enough to be reached through recycling process, where waste materials are processed as byproducts, either be it for paper, e-waste, garbages etc through measures wherein recycling assist and further expands the very notion of ecological measures and sustainable development process in the contemporary society today. Environmental Concerns and the many face of Recycling In each and every instance when it matter to the subject matter arguments, environmental concerns and its features have always make a mark to claims a place of contention in between to derive astonishing discussion in the society. Measure initiated accordingly and in respect to derive best available solutions towards the hazard of waste material is also one pointer to put into force for a constructive solution through recycling processes. In respect of the abovementioned pointer, the need for recycling also can be looked again not only to the environmental concerns alone, but also towards public health and safety in regard. The best example in that capacity also can be emphasized and measured in contention towards industrial waste such as chemicals and their source activity that posit greater hazards (DIANEPublishingCompany, 1996, p. 33) to the environment as well to the society and public health in the forms of insecticides, herbicides, chemical paints, waste and harmful construction materials, waste oils, which carry within them a residue that is harmful and can impact the environment negatively in many ways. (DIANEPublishingCompany, 1996, p. 33) Hence, concerns being raised are not unnecessarily. The objective to define the features of recycling also can be put into force the practicality of the process involved overall in seeking a solution that is effective ad has greater benefits for the society today. What have been the crucial development that brought about the necessary measures in context of recycling processes are the features that relates towards waste material management itself and the concern being raised and options available in that regard. There is every point to note the fact from an ecological perspective, wherein the concerns have been over the effect of human actions on the environment, (Robert V. Percival, 1997, p. 3) which is a matter of fact. Increasing human activities in the societies have brought about many changes that have impacted the environment drastically. Moreover, waste that are generated daily that amount to millions of tons are finding it hard to find a landfill. The sad state is that the materialistic world that we live in further makes the issue of waste and its generation worse in a sense. Its something that goes like the adage something lost in translation. Yet solutions are there, but with least effect given the development stages and ever increasing wants of humans. Considering these crucial aspects and the critical issue of waste and its environmental impact, the questions that can be been raised again as a matter of fact is where to put up all the waste material generated daily apart from the recycling process for certain waste materials. The hard fact is that people and the society today have found themselves in situations where it reached a stage of declining of landfills, wherein the features of it reflect many factors in context of recycling as a necessary measure to be undertaken. To top it all, the fact that is relevant also can be emphasized again to the question and its arguments being raised to many aspects of waste material and garbages landfills that have been closed as they pose unacceptable environmental risks related to locations, designs, operations and most importantly because such landfills have filled up, (Richard A. Denison, 1990, p. 4) where a solution to such concern and problems are being initiated in context of recycling waste and other materials for a solution that also facilitate an environmental cause. Yet the development process in that regard is heading in a snail pace, despite the many measure being taken towards environmental concerns and the need for recycling for a lasting and relevant solution. An Exemplification of Recycling Types and their Benefits In general and looking at the concerns being raised towards waste material, we are of the opinion that there are many forms and formats of recycling processes and their types to differentiate upon. Take for example recycling process initiated toward paper, plastic, e-waste, metals and glasses and the environmental benefits that can be derived to be precise in each one of it. Plastic as we know of are one of the many hazards thats posits harmful and negative ecological impact. Take for example the fact that it would be hard to imagine a modern society today without plastic, given that plastic have found itself a place in myriad uses in fields as diverse as home appliances, construction, medicines, and packaging, (Goodship, 2007, p. 5) to name a few of its many uses that human cannot do away with or without. Hence the effect of its waste on the environment is also greater, and posits many risks and health concerns. As a matter of fact, the benefits from recycled plastic to be precise are tremendous. Generally, plastic are made from crude oil, hence recycling of plastic waste material further assist in conserving the natural resource in the form of crude oil, (Goodship, 2007, p. 5) feels experts. Looking back to this notion and reflecting the measure being initiated, we are of the opinion that the need for appropriate technology always make a mark to claim a place in instances as detailed above, given that several municipal and industrial waste has the potential to be recycled and processed for further use, and in that respect the need of the hour is appropriate technology for recycling, each one the suits specific purpose. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 43) To cite an example again when it concern to recycling; especially paper recycling, we are of the opinion that paper recycling and the benefits of it can be measured in great many ways, given that out of new paper, hard cardboard, and other high grade paper that are recycled, by products can be generated in the form of new material that are recovered by the application of available technology for use again in the most effective way. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 44) Besides, out of paper recycling to be precise and the endeavor made and facilitated in that regard as well, many environmental causes can be kept at check or minimize the same in the most effective ways. The means to look for new paper also does not arise, if cases such as recycling of paper make readily available material for use that can be generated through recycling process. Conclusion What we can finally conclude is that technology, scientific, biological and chemical process comes as the best measure to be reached for each particular recycling measures initiated towards waste materials for a benefit outcomes. Going back and reflecting towards recycling altogether, and reaching a conclusion from an economic perspective, there is reason enough to reflect and to emphasized with the fact that recycling process of any given waste materials has value additions, given that waste has a negative economic and environmental value, and also add up as a big techno-economic problem for the society. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 41) Yet a point to note and the hard fact is that recycling and awareness measure initiated in that regard is good instance considering the issue at stake in aiding and furthering the essence and quality of life in the society for a sustainable solutions.

Friday, October 25, 2019

How To Die Essay -- Psychology

Death has always been part of human culture. It’s viewed in all kinds of manners, ranging from the worst enemy to a welcome liberator. In today’s society, death and the culture of death expand ever so quickly as people live longer on more advanced medicine, and thus die older and weaker. Of course, eventually everyone will face the prospect of taking their last breaths. Therefore it becomes necessary to give serious thought about how we choose to die in an intensifying plethora of options. Some believe in fighting until the disease wins with the best technology and best treatments without regard to cost. Others believe that after a certain age, or certain period of â€Å"extreme treatments†, the ill should accept their fate and die with â€Å"dignity†, off the machines and any radical treatments. Few physicians recommend the second option, because they are expected to do everything humanely possible to keep patients alive. With a range of increasing medic al technology, it’s only become easier to do so. However, the effectiveness and relative comfort of these new remedies are another question entirely. Renouncing the desperate fighting philosophy, the hospice institution takes the issue of dying in a different perspective. Hospice supports a submissive approach to dying, allowing the patient to experience a natural, dignified death without painful or bizarre treatments. Many times, spiritual and emotional counseling to the patient and his or her family is also offered. How to end a normal life seems to rest on how much people want to defy death. The point of disconnect occurs when people have to decide which is nobler: a courageous fight, or a graceful acceptance. We generally want to live as long as we possibly can, but can the way we end ...>. "Right-to-die Statement: Tony Nicklinson Says Stroke Left 'no Dignity or Privacy'" The Guardian. Ed. Press Association. Guardian News and Media, 12 Mar. 2012. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. . Siamak, MD, Nabili T. "" MedicineNet. Ed. Melissa C. Stà ¶ppler, MD. MedicineNet, Inc. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. . Steven, Reinberg. "Medicare Costs for Cancer Treatment Soar." US News. U.S.News & World Report, 10 June 2008. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. . Williams, Mary E. "Hospice Care Benefits The Terminally Ill." Terminal Illness: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 2001. 17-26. Print.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Baker v. Osborne Legal Review

Thomas Baker and others bought new homes from Osborne Development Corp. The new homeowners later filed a complaint against Osborne Development Corp. for multiple construction defects in the houses they purchased. The complaint alleged causes of action for strict liability, and other breaches of contract, and negligence. Baker and the other homeowners had along with the home purchases signed a builder application form containing the following language: â€Å"CONSENT TO THE TERMS OF THESE DOCUMENTS INCLUDING THE BINDING ARBITRATION PROVISION contained therein.† By signing the application, the homeowners were presumed to have â€Å"agreed to the terms of the warranty. † (Baker v. Osborne Development Corp. , 2008). The question posed is whether the new homeowners are bound by the arbitration agreement they signed, or whether they could just sue Osborne Development Corp. in court. The Fourth Appellate District of the California Court of Appeal answered both questions in its 2008 decision when it held that arbitration provisions in the HBW 2-10 warranty were â€Å"unenforceable,† because they were â€Å"unconscionable.† The warranty was unconscionable because the arbitration language was broad and did not â€Å"clearly and unmistakably† reserve the sole authority to decide whether the arbitration provision was enforceable to the arbitrator. The arbitration provision was procedurally unconscionable because it was hidden in a booklet not available when Baker executed the warranty application. It was substantively unconscionable because it was solely intended to benefit Osborne, as Osborne would have no reason to sue Baker after the close of escrow. In NCR Corp. v. Korala Associates, Ltd., (2008), the court of Appeals weighed the issue by determining the scope of the arbitration agreement based on the reason that a party should not be compelled to arbitrate a dispute which it has not agreed to arbitrate. To determine whether or not a c ase is arbitrable, the Sixth Circuit looked at the allegations in each count of the complaint to determine whether the agreement was a necessary part of each claim. The standard used by the Sixth Circuit was this; whether â€Å"an action could be maintained without reference to the contract or relationship issue† (NCR Corp.v. Korala Associates, Ltd. , 2008, p. 4). If it could, then it is likely to be outside the scope of the arbitration agreement. Going by the Court decisions in Baker and NCR, the homeowners are not bound by the arbitration clause, and are therefore free to pursue damages in a court of law. References Baker v. Osborne Development Corp. (2008) 159 Cal. App. 4th 884 [– Cal. Rptr. 3d –] NCR Corp. v. Korala Associates, Ltd. , No. 06-3685, 2008 WL 140978 (6th Cir. Jan. 16, 2008)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

To What Extenet Has the Labour Party Abandoned Its Socialist Routes?

To What Extent has the Labour Party abandoned its socialist routes? The definition of socialism is ‘An economic, social and political doctrine which expresses the struggle for the equal distribution of wealth by eliminating private property and the exploitative ruling class’. In some ways it could be said that New Labour hasn’t abandoned its socialist routes. For example, New Labour’s idea of a minimum wage very much bares a socialist style of view, as this is seen as fair, equal and is a redistribution of income.The old Labour party very much believed in the redistribution of wealth, as this was seen as helping out the less fortunate people of Britain. In early November 2012, Mr. Miliband stepped forward in support of a rise in the minimum wage, to what he calls the â€Å"living wage† New Labour still share many of the same ideas that old Labour once believed. For example, old Labour believed that everyone in the country should work together and sho uld forget about social classes, and new Labour believes that poverty gaps should be smaller, and classes should work together.The idea of Ed Miliband taking the Disraeli slogan â€Å"One Nation† shows a real reversion back to the old ways of typical socialism, and the idea that Britain will be united. It is in conventional terms this is about being more left wing than Tony Blair – keener on taxes and regulation whilst more hostile to the private sector. Also, new and old Labour both believe in public expenditure on a large scale. This is to give the nation equal opportunities and the best possible standards of living, arguing the point of new Labour still sticking to its socialist routes.Old Labour believed that taxation should be high on the rich people of the country, as they have more money to give to the country to benefit the less affluent citizens of Britain. New Labour believes in less radical taxation, however stealth taxes are used to also benefit the country as well as the rise to the 50% taxation for anyone earning over ? 100,000 introduced in the April 2009 budget. This shows that both eras of the party believed in taxation benefiting the less ‘fortunate’ members of the country.New Labour is seen to be ‘expanding’ on old Labour’s views and adjusting them to fit in with Britain’s social aspects. For example, old Labour believed in free education from 5-18 years. However New Labour want 3-4 year olds to have free nursery education, something that wasn’t even around when Old Labour was still existent. Old Labour morals disagree with the idea of entrenched privileges toward education, as the state should create conditions that will give maximum opportunity to all sections of society.Whereas New Labour does not have a problem with public schools and they have the view that if people are prepared to spend more money on giving their children more benefits then so be it. New Labour still have ma ny socialist views such as the idea of the UK being fairer and more prosperous than it was a decade ago, and it having the highest employment rate in the G7, and also that the government lifted 600,000 children out of poverty in 2007. This shows that the New Labour government is still keeping in mind the working class people of Britain, showing us that Labour still share some socialist views.However, in some ways it can be shown that New Labour has detached itself from its Socialist routes. This can be in the different views on nationalisation. Old Labour believed that big companies, like the railway, the telephone, and electricity firms are owned by the country as a whole instead of privately by businessmen and this worked by the public owning shares in the companies. Whereas new Labour share the view that the idea of Private Finance Initiatives (PFI), they welcome private funds into national institutions such as hospitals and schools etc.However In 2008 New Labour nationalized Nor then Rock, and this was met with cries of outrage from its shareholders. The famous joke made by Labour MPs was â€Å"At last we’re enacting the 1983 manifesto† and â€Å"one down, 249 to go†. It was however embarrassing for the government of the time, who were keen to avoid nationalisation of any kind When old Labour first became a political party, they were to represent the working class people of the country, which were linked to trade unions.The unions had realized that the liberals and conservatives would not represent them, so they looked to Labour to represent skilled workers. The Labour party established a wide range of trade unions, socialists, Christians, Fabians and Marxists, this provided key amounts of support for the then liberal party. The common old Labour views consisted of, forgetting class, which meant that the country should work together to earn the best way of living for everyone. Old Labour believed that the working class should have their own say, which was to be non-violent.The idea of collectivism was a view shared by old Labour, which means to work as a group rather than as individuals, which links to the view of forgetting class. The same cannot be said for New Labour. Blair had a big focus on backing a sweeping overhaul of party funding which curbed the influence of the unions over the Labour party. Ed Miliband, who’s close victory for the leadership of the Labour Party over his brother was arguably due to the support of the Trade Unions, decided to back the Conservative government’s pay freeze in the public sector.This angered Trade Unions greatly, and Miliband did it to show he wasn’t going to be ruled by Trade Unions. Old Labour have the idea that free enterprise (An economic system characterized by private ownership of property and productive resources, the profit motive to stimulate production, competition to ensure efficiency, and the forces of supply and demand to direct the producti on and distribution of goods and services. ) will do nothing good for the working class. However new Labour believe that free enterprise is a good idea as the workers will benefit massively from this.New Labour is also broadly pro-Europe, and wants to lead the country to become more involved in the EU. Shadow Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander said in November 2011 â€Å"It is still my view that the Labour Government took the right decision on the Lisbon Treaty† However, the old labour view was that the EU doesn’t have the same values as Britain. This is a prime example of how new labour have strayed away from old labour and are becoming less socialist as a result of this, because these views are radically different from each other, showing that new labour may have differed from old labour views.There is also an argument that says that not only has New Labour abandoned its Socialist routes, but New Labour has been accused of being far too right wing on some policies. For example, in December 1997, 47 Labour MPs rebelled when the government carried through the previous administration's plans to cut the benefits paid to new single-parents. Tuition fees for university students were also introduced with no debate within the Labour Party itself. The government also promoted wider use of Public Private Partnerships and the Private Finance Initiative, which were opposed particularly by trade unions as a form of privatisation.Another example of Labour appearing too right wing is that the New Labour government has been closer to corporate business interests than any previous Labour government. This idea was opposed by old Labour views, and dramatically shows how different new Labour is now from when the party first started out. Since 1997 Labour's economic policies have sought to take a middle way between the more centralised socialist approach of past Labour governments and the free market approach of the Conservative government from 1979 to 1997. One o f the most popular policies introduced was Britain's first National Minimum Wage Act.This act was a massive revelation, and shows us that Labour still shares a socialist way of thinking, even in this modern day and age. In conclusion, it is fair to say that New Labour has abandoned its Socialist routes, but this can be attributed to Politics slipping into much more of a battle for the central spectrum of politics. The core vote now lies between the left and right, and to gain the power of government, the Labour Party has had to juggle appealing to its dye in the wool support as well as the core vote. Jono Davis

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

China and the Oppression of Tibet essays

China and the Oppression of Tibet essays Thousands of Tibetans are being jailed, tortured, and executed on a regular basis (Bernstein). Tibetans are simply trying to live lives of peace and happiness. Tragically, that serene way of life ended when China invaded and started settling in Tibet. Chinese rule is discouraging religious aspects of Tibet. Tibet practices Tibetan Buddhism. This religion focuses on meditation and mindfulness, for the purpose of arriving at a clear state of mind. Mindful clarity is then used to awaken and increase their compassion for others until it equals the unconditional compassion of the Buddha (Tibetan...). Chinese rule is depriving Tibet of its peaceful culture and is discouraging the religious beliefs of its people; the oppression must be stopped. One might argue that because Tibet's economy, agricultural output and foreign trade have been rapidly increasing since China took control, then Tibetans must be benefiting from Chinese rule (Faison). Money does not matter to Tibetans; they simply want peace, enlightenment and freedom. Although the country of Tibet may be receiving a larger gross income, Tibetans are not benefiting from Chinese rule if they are unhappy with the lifestyles forced upon them. Another common argument is that China is controlling religious beliefs to ensure that all religious activities are carried out in line with the doctrines, which are religious rules (Faison). There are no facts to prove China's claim, which is not true since China is forcing Tibetans to submit religious worship to the authority of communist party officials. Pictures of the Dalai Lama (head of state and spiritual leader), which are all that Tibetans have left, since he was forced to flee to India in 1940 when China invaded, have bee n banned (Bernstein). China is not monitoring religious acts in Tibet; it is controlling them. One might even believe that Tibetans could exist in a Chinese province like Eskimos exist in Alaska. The Eskimo culture coexis...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Carnivorous Plants

Carnivorous Plants Carnivorous plants are plants that capture, kill, and digest animal organisms. Like all plants, carnivorous plants are capable of photosynthesis. Since they usually live in areas where the soil quality is poor, they must supplement their diet with nutrients gained from digesting animals. Like other flowering plants, carnivorous plants use tricks to entice insects. These plants have developed specialized leaves that work to lure and then trap unsuspecting insects. Key Takeaways Carnivorous plants are plants that have the ability to eat animal organisms. These highly specialized plants are able to both lure and trap insects.The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is the most well known of the carnivorous plants. They live in wet areas such as bogs and swamps.Sundews are covered in tentacles. Their tentacles make a sticky dew-like substance that attracts insects.Bladderworts are plants that dont have roots and are often found in aquatic areas and in areas with wet soil. They capture insects via a trapdoor.Other examples of carnivorous plants include tropical pitcher plants and North American pitcher plants. There are several genera of carnivorous plants and hundreds of carnivorous plant species. Here are some of my favorite genera of carnivorous plants: Flytraps - Dionaea muscipula Dionaea muscipula, also known as the Venus flytrap, is probably the most well known of the carnivorous plants. Insects are lured into the mouth-like leaves by nectar. Once an insect enters the trap it touches tiny hairs on the leaves. This sends impulses through the plant triggering the leaves to close. Glands located in the leaves release enzymes that digest the prey and the nutrients are absorbed by the leaves. Flies, ants, and other bugs are not the only animals that the flytrap may snare. Frogs and other small vertebrates may sometimes become trapped by the plant as well. Venus flytraps live in wet, nutrient-poor environments, such as bogs, wet savannas, and swamps. Sundews - Drosera Sundew feeding on a green lacewing. Reinhard Dirscherl/WaterFrame/Getty Images Plus Species of plants from the genus Drosera are called Sundews. These plants live in wet biomes, including marshes, bogs, and swamps. Sundews are covered with tentacles that produce a sticky dew-like substance that glitters in the sunlight. Insects and other small creatures are attracted to the dew and become stuck when they land on the leaves. The tentacles then close around the insects and digestive enzymes break down the prey. Sundews typically capture flies, mosquitoes, moths, and spiders. Tropical Pitchers - Nepenthes Plant species from the genus Nepenthes are known as Tropical Pitcher plants or Monkey Cups. These plants are typically found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. The leaves of pitcher plants are brightly colored and shaped like pitchers. Insects are lured to the plant by the bright colors and nectar. The inside walls of the leaves are covered with waxy scales that make them very slippery. Insects may slip and fall to the bottom of the pitcher where the plant secretes digestive fluids. Large pitcher plants have been known to trap small frogs, snakes, and even birds. North American Pitchers - Sarracenia Species from the genus Sarracenia are called North American Pitcher plants. These plants inhabit grassy marshes, swamps, and other wetlands. The leaves of Sarracenia plants are also shaped like pitchers. Insects are lured to the plant by nectar and may slip from the edge of the leaves and fall to the bottom of the pitcher. In some species, the insects die when they drown in water that has accumulated at the bottom of the pitcher. They are then digested by enzymes that are released into the water. Bladderworts - Utricularia Utricularia australis (bladderwort). Paul Starosta/Corbis Documentary/Getty Images Plus Species of Utricularia are known as Bladderworts. The name comes from the tiny sacs, which resemble bladders, that are located on the stems and leaves. Bladderworts are rootless plants found in aquatic areas and in wet soil. These plants have a trapdoor mechanism for capturing prey. The sacs have a small membrane cover that acts as a door. Their oval shape creates a vacuum that sucks in tiny insects when they trigger hairs that are located around the door. Digestive enzymes are then released inside the sacs to digest the prey. Bladderworts consume aquatic invertebrates, water fleas, insect larvae, and even small fish. More About Carnivorous Plants For more information about carnivorous plants, take a look at the Carnivorous Plant Database and The Carnivorous Plant FAQ. Sources Reece, Jane B., and Neil A. Campbell. Campbell Biology. Benjamin Cummings, 2011.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

3 Types of Not Only . . . But Also Errors

3 Types of Not Only . . . But Also Errors 3 Types of â€Å"Not Only . . . But Also† Errors 3 Types of â€Å"Not Only . . . But Also† Errors By Mark Nichol Confusion about the proper arrangement of words in sentences in which the correlative conjunctions â€Å"not only† and â€Å"but also† appear is manifested in various forms of erroneous syntax. The following sentences, accompanied by discussion and corrected versions, demonstrate three categories of mistaken sentence construction. 1. â€Å"Digital cameras are not only changing photography, but our lives.† The placement of â€Å"not only† here implies that the sentence will refer both to changing and to some other action that will occur because of the existence of digital cameras. (For example, â€Å"Digital cameras are not only changing photography but also altering our culture’s norms about privacy.†) But because changing is the operative verb for both parts of the comparison, it should precede â€Å"not only† and should be shadowed by also after the conjunction: â€Å"Digital cameras are changing not only photography but also our lives.† 2. â€Å"His hard work in math class has not only helped him make the most of his abilities but also to gradually improve them.† The phrase â€Å"not only† is misplaced in this sentence it should follow the verb phrase â€Å"has helped,† rather than be inserted between the two words which is also complicated by an extraneous use of to before the phrase â€Å"gradually improve them.† That placement would be appropriate only if it matched a to inserted before â€Å"make the most of his abilities.† But to following a form of help and a noun or pronoun is unnecessary: â€Å"His hard work in math class has helped him not only make the most of his abilities but also gradually improve them.† 3. â€Å"I think of her both as an example of someone who does her work with care and pride but also as someone who treats others respectfully.† This sentence mixes two phrasing forms for making comparisons: â€Å"both . . . and† and â€Å"not only . . . but also.† For the sentence to make sense, use one or the other: â€Å"I think of her both as an example of someone who does her work with care and pride and as someone who treats others respectfully† or â€Å"I think of her not only as an example of someone who does her work with care and pride but also as someone who treats others respectfully.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Punctuate References to Dates and TimesPeople versus Persons50 Plain-Language Substitutions for Wordy Phrases

Saturday, October 19, 2019

India is similar (or not similar) to the Bodley profile of Tribal Essay

India is similar (or not similar) to the Bodley profile of Tribal Culture - Essay Example Yet certain characteristics of them all were common. For example, culture is always based on symbols which people hold in high esteem; a culture of a region is shared by the people living in that particular society; a culture is learned, that is, it is taught to everybody in the society; and lastly, culture is adaptive; in other words, as the world and times change, culture also evolves. When we speak of tribal culture we must remember that it varies greatly from place to place. Certain cultures in the Oceanic Islands (such as Fiji) would be cannibalistic, while tribal regions in India are staunch vegetarians. According to Bodley though, certain features are very much alike; for example, tribal cultures are predominantly agriculture based, with the natives producing their own food and not dependent on outside sources. By definition, a tribe generally consists of a few hundred people living together in settled villages. Their chief mode of gaining sustenance is farming (horticultural or pastorical) and hunting and their economy is simple and uncomplicated. People rely more on barter, gift swapping, and labor in exchange for goods, rather than on cash and credit. Hence comparatively, their monetary status is not as complicated as those living in more industrialized cultures. Neither, in fact, is their way of living. Tribal cultures are usually not as technologically dependent, relying mostly on simple tools for work. Their society is often divided into different lineages and ‘clans’ and most people can trace their descent to common ancestors. Every lineage and clan has a similar status in the tribe, with certain people (probably due to greater riches, or experience) are gifted with the title of ‘elders’ or ‘big men’. They are usually looked up to and have profound influence in most tribal decisions. India is one of the largest countries population-wise, and its growing industrialization is a credit to its present and

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Sustainability of Seafood Farms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Sustainability of Seafood Farms - Essay Example Moreover, it serves as a measure against which societies and institutions are evaluated, as well as a goal toward which communities and societies should aim. In respect to governance, sustainability implies interrogating existing ways of societal institutions in an attempt to determine to what extent they hearten vicious behaviors. In addition to this, sustainability results to a conscious endeavor to convert the status quo and encourage the advancement of increasingly maintainable models of activity (Dunphy, 2000). Sustainability is an essential factor in today’s global economy. This is because it results to an economically sustainable development. There are several advantages that economically yield as a result of sustainability. For instance, it recounts to the harvest of a self-renewing and specific natural resource, such as fish. Such a yield can be maintained for an indefinite period since it can be supported by the capacities of the fundamental normal system. A sustaina ble society can, therefore, be defined as the one which has adapted to comfortably live within the boundaries that have been established by nature’s limits (Dunphy, 2000). It can be upheld as an ongoing and collective entity since the behaviors and practices that heavily burden the environment have been abolished or reformed. A sustainable development indicates a process of advancements in the social nature of the society, which can accommodate the changing needs of the society, while at the same time integrating social, economic, and environmental contemplations in making any decisions. For any project to be sustainable, it should encompass some features. These features include social, economic, and environmental features. These have better being referred to as the Triple Bottom Line approach (Weber and Savits, 2006). The Triple Bottom Line also known as TBL or 3BL has, in fishing, has captured and expanded criteria and values for measuring the success of any organization ec onomically, environmentally, and socially. The goal of sustainability and the triple bottom line are usually described by People, Planet, and Profit. Economic and social factors have greatly been boosted by fish farming. Social factors have been boosted in that the society has significantly benefited from fish farming (Weber and Savits, 2006). Economic factors have, on the other hand been boosted in that maximum benefits have been reaped from the project. It is, therefore, arguable that sustainability has significantly influenced the Triple Bottom Line of fish farming. Production is the initial step in the process of trade. It can be defined as the conversion of raw materials into varieties that can be useful for human consumption (Marien, 1990). Production of fish can also be known as fish farming. It is the chief form of aquatic culture. It involves commercial rising of fish into enclosures or tanks for food. The current increase in demand for fish has, in turn, led to increased f ish farming. Distribution is a term used to refer to the process of conveying already produced goods to the consumers in the market. There are different methods of distribution existing in the market. This depends on the technological means and levels of progress within the region. An example of a way in which goods are distributed is by Efficient Consumer Response scheme. Fish distribution, therefore, refers to the process by which the

Evolution Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Evolution - Term Paper Example This is unlike many treatments of evolution where readers are often confused as a result of being conflated with different definitions of the term. The decision to divide â€Å"Darwinism† into six components makes the understanding of various concepts easy (Coyne, 2009). It is indeed true that, over time, allele rate of recurrence change in an inhabitants. It is also true that different organisms have occupied the earth at different times. The critical role of natural selection is in this is also an undisputed fact. Common ancestry is received positively by a majority within the scientific field (Coyne, 2009). My reflection on common descent is that while it is a defensible position, it is not as much supported as it is made out. Consequently, the points of concern in this chapter, in my view, include the extent to which gradualism is true and the sufficiency of natural selection. The second chapter of the book is ‘written in the rocks.’ It uses fossil evidence to justify common descent. It is indeed true that fossil records show a tendency where simpler organisms precede more complex ones. This is also exactly what one would anticipate as a result of a common origin (Coyne, 2009). A feature that would be absent in Darwin’s theory, but would be the noticeable pattern of morphological difference preceding diversity (Coyne, 2009). In my view, an interesting aspect of the fossil record is that, unlike Darwin’s theory, it ranks the higher taxonomic categories first and, consequently makes them appear first in the taxonomic ranking. There are three main evolutionary transition trends specified by the fossil record i.e. fish to amphibians evolution, reptiles to birds and whales to terrestrial mammals evolution (Coyne, 2009). Accordingly, there are three important insights that emerge from the fossil record. Firstly is that the fossil spells out the evolution process (Coyne, 2009). The records within rocks provide a great deal of

Abortion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Abortion - Research Paper Example Inability to support or afford a child is another major reason for abortion. Sometimes women choose to have an abortion to prevent the birth of a baby with major birth defects or severe delivery complications. Finally, they consider abortion as a means of terminating pregnancy resulting from an incest or rape (WebMD). All religions consider abortion as an extreme sin because they believe that human life is created by god and therefore no person other than God may take a life (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children). Humanitarians hold the view that every individual has the right to live and abortion is therefore an inhumane activity. In contrast to this, some people opine that the decision must be left to the option of women as they are the child bearers. The US Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade in 1973 made abortion legal in every state of the country (qtd in Rosenthal, 313). Prior to this ruling, legality of abortion was left to the option of individual states. It was illegal in 30 states and legal in 20 states under particular circumstances. However, individual states are allowed to regulate abortion or form trigger laws. Currently, 6 states follows trigger laws and other three states possess laws to criminalize abortion. It must be noted that the US constitution guarantees women’s fundamental right to choose abortion. At the same time, US constitution provides states with the right to restrict abortion practices to varying degrees. I strongly support the Federal position on abortion. Every child has the right to obtain proper care and love and which is not guaranteed when a woman is forced to give birth to an unwanted child. It is observed that majority of the abortions take place in the first trimester. At this stage, a fetus is fully dependent of the mother and hence it cannot be considered as a separate entity. In many cases, abortion reduces the probability of pregnancy related complications and secures mother’s life. If a woman

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Speaking skill in teaching English as second language Essay

Speaking skill in teaching English as second language - Essay Example ational process focuses more on evaluation framework which is unlike Western process of education, and this instills fear of committing errors in Japanese EFL learners. Therefore, EFL teachers should focus on creating informal ambiance within the classroom and establishing positive relationship among students from different cultural backgrounds so that Japanese learners can shed their language anxiety in front of others. Today, English has become a common language to be taught in schools all over the world. For this purpose, schools are making broad use of technology in combination with second language theories. The idea is to adapt the best available practice that can enhance learning of English as second language. Any process that has been proved by previous research to yield best results is regarded as the best practice. It essentially includes â€Å"commitment of a teacher who is willing to use the knowledge and techniques at his or her disposal to ensure student success† (Li, 2013, p.218). Foreign language anxiety is increasingly becoming a common phenomenon among learners, and it is rapidly gaining attention among researchers for its significant impact on a learner’s ability to learn and retain a new language. This paper focuses on Japanese EFL learners’ fear of speaking English. Recommendations have been provided on how to overcome such fear. Although English has become a compulsory subject in most secondary and tertiary institutions in Japan, it is still an extremely common phenomenon that Japanese people exhibit poor English communication skills. Every year, millions of dollars are spent for making Japanese people proficient in English with the help of native or non-native English speaking teachers. Many Japanese students even travel to Western countries to learn English. There are many accepted theories that tend to explain poor English speaking skills among the Japanese. One such theory blames the geographical location of the country that isolates

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

NIKE Co Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

NIKE Co - Research Paper Example They gain a better work-related understanding of their own behavior and that of others hence, motivate, influence, and to succeed. Nike Company is dynamic in that it obtains raw materials from the environment and processes them into finished goods or services that are returned as outputs to the environment. From finished goods and services, Customers create a continuing demand of Nike Company products resulting to a circle known as a value chain (Nelson, Debra & James 25). How Nike Company Functions Organizational structure of Nike Company is centered in managers and their team leaders who foresee efficient running of the company. Their nature of managerial work revolves around planning, organizing, leading and controlling. They execute informational, interpersonal and decisional roles. Informational roles is whereby a manager exchanges and processes information through team leaders and also liaise with the employees in decision making for the betterment of the company. Effective man agers must integrate technical, human and conceptual skills. As well they must be sensitive to workforce dynamics while consistently adapting to their environment and understand broad applications of technology, focus on quality and customer service. In Nike Company, emphasis on managing emotions both personally and in relationships with others, is considered an important leadership competency since a manager’s emotional intelligence contributes significantly to their leadership effectiveness (Nelson et al. 30-5). Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and deal with emotions such as self-regulation, relationship management and self-awareness. Positive organizational cultures in this Company tap the talents, ideas of employees, and their potential creativity. Therefore it makes the organization a better employer and helps it to effectively compete more in the job market. Diversity programs in Nike Company includes; emphasis on recruitment, selection, and retention of potential employees who provide a basis for more effective job satisfaction and productivity. In order to accomplish the diversity management in Nike Company, all levels of management in the company must be committed across all functions of the organization in order to get the best from the company. Diversity therefore, promotes creativity and innovation, social responsibility, reduced legal noncompliance costs and appreciating differences /value of inclusion. The mission statement of Nike Company describes and helps focus on the attention on the company’s core purpose, vision and future aspiration in a way that inspires commitment, innovation, emotion, and courage (Nelson et al. 45-6). Attitudes and Job Satisfaction in Nike Company Attitudes play an important role in employees work output in Nike Company. Managers should therefore be interested in their employees’ attitudes since attitudes give warnings of potential problems and influence behavior. If managers in Nike Company can improve employee attitudes, it will likely result in heightened growth of the company’s effectiveness. The key managerial goal in Nike Company is the employee’s job satisfaction. This is assessed through managerial observation and interpretation of employee’s attitudes and behavior by use of job satisfaction interviews and administering of

Speaking skill in teaching English as second language Essay

Speaking skill in teaching English as second language - Essay Example ational process focuses more on evaluation framework which is unlike Western process of education, and this instills fear of committing errors in Japanese EFL learners. Therefore, EFL teachers should focus on creating informal ambiance within the classroom and establishing positive relationship among students from different cultural backgrounds so that Japanese learners can shed their language anxiety in front of others. Today, English has become a common language to be taught in schools all over the world. For this purpose, schools are making broad use of technology in combination with second language theories. The idea is to adapt the best available practice that can enhance learning of English as second language. Any process that has been proved by previous research to yield best results is regarded as the best practice. It essentially includes â€Å"commitment of a teacher who is willing to use the knowledge and techniques at his or her disposal to ensure student success† (Li, 2013, p.218). Foreign language anxiety is increasingly becoming a common phenomenon among learners, and it is rapidly gaining attention among researchers for its significant impact on a learner’s ability to learn and retain a new language. This paper focuses on Japanese EFL learners’ fear of speaking English. Recommendations have been provided on how to overcome such fear. Although English has become a compulsory subject in most secondary and tertiary institutions in Japan, it is still an extremely common phenomenon that Japanese people exhibit poor English communication skills. Every year, millions of dollars are spent for making Japanese people proficient in English with the help of native or non-native English speaking teachers. Many Japanese students even travel to Western countries to learn English. There are many accepted theories that tend to explain poor English speaking skills among the Japanese. One such theory blames the geographical location of the country that isolates

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Survey Says More Filipinos at Risk of Lifestyle Related Diseases Essay Example for Free

Survey Says More Filipinos at Risk of Lifestyle Related Diseases Essay Recent results of the National Nutrition and Health Survey (NNHeS II) by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (FNRI-DOST) showed that more Filipinos have hypertension, high fasting blood sugar and high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which are risk factors to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other lifestyle-related diseases. The NNHeS II showed that one in every four Filipino adults (25.3 percent) has hypertension or a blood pressure (BP) reading equal to or higher than 140/90 millimeter mercury (mmHg). The prevalence of hypertension significantly increased from 22.5 percent in 2003 to 25.3 percent in 2008 based on single BP determination. The survey further showed that 11 in every 100 (10.8 percent) have pre-hypertension or a BP reading at the range of 130-139/85-89 mmHg. High BP increases with age starting from age 40-49 years. The prevalence of high fasting blood sugar (FBS), an indicator of diabetes mellitus, is 5 in every 100 Filipino, based on the NNHeS II. The prevalence increased, though not significant, from 2003 with 3.4 percent to 4.8 percent in 2008. The prevalence of high FBS or hyperglycemia peaks at age 50-59 years. Moreover, the survey showed that 3 in every 100 Filipinos have impaired fasting glucose (IFG). IFG may progress to diabetes mellitus in a few years if not prevented. Hyperglycemia is an FBS level greater than 125 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), while IFG is an FBS level in the range of 110-125 mg/dL. Dyslipidemia or abnormal lipid levels significantly increased from 2003 to 2008. The NNHeS II showed that one in every ten (10.2 percent) Filipino adults has high total cholesterol level, while 21 in every 100 (21.2 percent) are borderline high. Furthermore, 15 in every 100 (14.6 percent) have high triglyceride level, while 16 in every 100 (15.5 percent) are borderline high. The prevalence of low high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-c) level increased from 54.2 percent in 2003 to 64.1 percent in 2008. In contrast, the prevalence of high low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-c) level did not change much, from 11.7 percent in 2003 to 11.8 percent in 2008. A person is considered to have a low HDL-c level if the fasting blood measurement is less than 40 mg/dl while a high LDL-c level of the fasting blood measurement is greater than or equal to 160 mg/dl. Hypertension, high FBS and dyslipidemia are major risk factors to lifestyle-related diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and cancer. These lifestyle-related diseases are among the diseases that currently dominate the list of leading causes of death in the country. These are also leading causes of morbidity, particularly diseases of the heart and the vascular system which are the two main leading causes. The government is intensively campaigning for healthy lifestyle to prevent these risk factors and diseases. The healthy lifestyle campaign promotes transformation of various settings into healthy settings, such as healthy workplace, healthy-eating place, healthy communities and healthy schools, among others. Message 10 of the Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos (NGF) developed by the Technical Working Group led by the FNRI-DOST recommends that for a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition, exercise regularly, do not smoke and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. The NGF also suggests eating a variety of foods everyday, consuming more fruits, vegetables, rootcrops and legumes, as these are rich sources of fiber that help lower cholesterol level and prolong the response time of our body to blood glucose levels, and limiting the intake of salty foods to help prevent hypertension.

Monday, October 14, 2019

India is the most hierarchical society

India is the most hierarchical society BRIEF: India is the most hierarchical society in the world and this, obviously, has an impact on its management style. It is imperative that there is a boss and that the manager acts like a boss. The position of manager demands a certain amount of role-playing from the boss and a certain amount of deferential behaviour from his subordinates. The boss is definitely not expected to perform any seemingly menial tasks such as making coffee for everybody or moving chairs in a meeting room! Anglo-Saxon concepts of egalitarianism where the boss is the primus inter pares are virtually incomprehensible in a society still dominated by the historical conventions of the caste system. Therefore, the boss is expected to give explicit instructions which will be followed even if everybody knows that the instruction is incorrect. Managing people in India requires a level of micro-management which many western business people feel very uncomfortable with but, which is likely to bring the best results. Indian management is paternalistic and is characterized by: Patronage Families feelings Sense of security in staff Obedience to authority Personality cult Personality based delegation Aversions of the staff to the leaders who are outsiders Ascent on short rather than long term planning Restricted sharing of information Gulf between personnel policies and practices Traditional Indian management: Management practices:- Traditional Indian management Employee requirements- family relation and caste of employee is considered Leadership style- leaders display a high level of personal involvement with their subordinates. Motivational aspects and rewards- work is viewed as a means to an end i.e for sake of satisfying family needs. Human resource management practices- nepotism and caste consideration affect selection and compensation. Training is less emphasized. TYPES OF MANAGEMENT SYLE IN INDIA- 1) Conservative style: Integrating ideology- old is gold, change carefully Performance control- through traditions, conventions, precedents Coordination- hierarchical Staff motivation- financial security, psychological safety 2) Entrepreneurial style: Intergrating ideology- no risk no gain, pioneer, innovative, revolutionize Performance control- through shared vision of corporate team Coordination- hierarchical Staff motivation- through charisma of the person at top 3) Professional style: Intergrating ideology- scientific, rational approach to management Performance control- through norms of professionalism and other tools of management Coordination- variety of mechanism like hierarchy, committee planning Staff motivation- formalized menu of progressive, productive and quality oriented incentive. 4) Bureaucratic style: Orderly management, clear accountability Through rules and regulation Hierarchical, standard operating procedures Job clarity, steady promotion on basis of seniority 5) Organic style: Flexibility Through peer pressure, personal commitment Team work, mutual feedback, intensive lateral as well as vertical communication Job variety and richness 6) Authoritarian style: Obedience, organizational patriolism Through fear of punishment Hierarchical Patriotic feel and fear of punishment 7) Participative style: Relatively powerless decision making Through collective assessment on jointly agreed criteria of evaluation Through representative committee Feeling of participating in decision making 8) Intuitive style: Experience and common sense Thumb rule Hierarchical, also by informal norms No need for formal qualification 9) Familial style: One big happy family Through relationship of bosses Through personalities Feeling of being a part of family 10) Altruistic style: Its a means to social and spiritual end Through sense of mission or pursuit of great ideal Hierarchical, shared ideal or social commitment Opportunity to control something noble and meaningful Being a Manager in India To ensure successful cross cultural management in India, you need be aware of the strict protocols and rituals that exist. The official caste system may be illegal, but a strong hierarchical structure, based upon job title, still exists in business. The Role of a Manager In India managers may take a somewhat paternalistic attitude to their employees. They may demonstrate a concern for employees that goes beyond the workplace. This may include involvement in their family, housing, health, and other practical life issues. It is the supervisors job to regularly check on the work of a subordinate and to provide regular constructive feedback. This may include monitoring work quality and the timing of its completion. Approach to Change Indias intercultural adaptability and readiness for change is developing all the time. India is seen to have a medium tolerance for change and risk. It is important for innovations to have a track record or history noting the benefits if they are to be accepted and implemented. Failure in India causes a long-term loss of confidence by the individual as well as by others. Because of this attitude, intercultural sensitivity is going to be required, especially when conducting group meetings and discussing contributions made my participating individuals. Approach to Time and Priorities Indians are generally quite careful about time guidelines in business situations where schedules and deadlines are regarded seriously. In addition, however, Indian society is concerned with relationships so there may be instances where there is some flexibility to strict standards of adhering to schedules. When working with people from India, its advisable to reinforce the importance of the agreed-upon deadlines and how that may affect the rest of the organization. Successful cross cultural management will depend on the individuals ability to meet deadlines. Global and intercultural expansion means that some managers may have a greater appreciation of the need to enforce timescales and as such, agreed deadlines are more likely to be met. Decision Making The culture in India is very relationship and group-oriented, so a strong emphasis is placed on maintaining harmony and proper lines of authority in the workplace. Some Indians, however, are extremely direct, in which case you can deal with them in the same way. The manager makes decisions and accepts responsibility for work performed by subordinates. The middle manager may consult with subordinates before reaching a decision, although it is more likely that he will confer with trusted advisors or relatives. To ensure successful cross cultural management, you will need to bear in mind the importance of people in the office maintaining the proper behavior relative to their position. For instance, it would be inappropriate for a manager to make copies or move a piece of furniture because these are tasks that lower level people do. To engage in behavior beneath you would lower your esteem in the office. Boss or Team Player? If you are working in India, it is important to remember that honor and reputation play an important role. The risk becomes amplified in a team or collaborative setting. When meeting together and moderating ideas, intercultural sensitivity is necessary. It is important to qualify ideas that are raised in a gentle manner, protecting the reputation of those bringing up ideas, so no one is shamed. Communication and Negotiation Styles Cross cultural management will be more effective if you understand the importance of personal relationships. They are crucial to conducting business and are based on respect and trust. It takes time to develop a comfortable working relationship and you will need patience and perseverance. Indians are non-confrontational. It is rare for them to overtly disagree, although this is beginning to change in the managerial ranks. Decisions are reached by the person with the most authority but reaching that decision can be a slow process. Never appear over legalistic in negotiations; in general Indians do not trust the legal system and someones word is sufficient to reach an agreement. Successful negotiations may be celebrated over a meal.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Writing an Admissions Essay :: College Admissions Essays

Writing an Admissions Essay The process of writing—and writing admissions essays in particular—invites a consciously-constructed performance of the self. What I mean by this is that a text—any text—inevitably conveys some persona; and when that text is known as an autobiography or representation of the self, the persona of the text is under even more scrutiny. Andy Warhol, with whom we could never be sure of where the performance ended and where the self started, once said, â€Å"When I did my self-portrait, I left all the pimples out because you always should. . . . Always omit the blemishes—they’re not part of the good picture you want.† * This statement has relevance for any act of self-representation, including admissions essays. Because the essay is an acknowledged representation of the self, the student tries to omit â€Å"blemishes† or whatever material she thinks will make her unattractive to the school. She consciously tries to frame her essay so that it will project the particular kind of persona she thinks the admissions officers want to see. However much they tell you, â€Å"Just be yourself,† that’s hardly possible when so much rides on how that self is presented. Even more challenging than the decision of how to frame this self-portrait is the anxiety-producing task of choosing a topic. For example, in a recent New York Times article, a student lamented the fact that no one had died in her family thus leaving her without anything moving to write about. Admissions essays are an unusual and peculiar exercise, one in which we know the student performs. But the school is performing, too. The University, in particular, is known for its quirky and surprising essay questions. This quirkiness itself is a performance of a kind that seeks to attract a certain type of student, perhaps the creative or quirky.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

eating disorder Essay -- essays research papers

Is there a strong connection between the fast food industry and the growing rate of obesity among young children? The answer is yes- fast food consumption is a large contributor to increasing child obesity risks and the effects of long-term health problems in the future. Children are bombarded by fast food advertising on a daily basis which lure them into wanting fast foods in addition to the great taste. The rapid growth of child obesity is in step with the growing fast food chains and market. The realization of this important link is the first step in finding a solution to the growing epidemic of child obesity. A person is considered obese or suffering from obesity when their weight is 20 percent (25 % in women) or more over the maximum desirable weight for their height. When a person is more than 100 pounds overweight, it is considered to be a potentially fatal condition, also known as morbid obesity. Rates of obesity are climbing, the percentage of children and young adolescents who are obese have doubled in the last twenty years. Obesity increases a person’s risk of numerous illnesses and death due to diabetes, stroke, coronary artery disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, and kidney and gallbladder disorders. Obesity also increases the risk of various types of cancer. Once a person reaches the level of being obese, it is far more difficult to reverse the condition as compared to someone who is simply overweight and needs to shed a few pounds. Many obesity patients suffer psychologically from stress, depression, and frustration. These mental side-effects contribute to the extrem e difficulty of losing weight and especially if the person has been obese or extremely overweight from an early age. The majority of young children who develop bad eating habits- consuming fast food- stay with them as they become young adults. â€Å"A person’s food preferences, like his or her personality, are formed during the first few years of life, through the process of socialization.†(Schlosser) Toddlers can learn to enjoy healthy food or fast food, depending on what they are introduced to at this developmental stage. These foods evolve into â€Å"comfort foods† as they grow older and become a source of pleasure and satisfaction. Although, genetic factors and inactive lifestyle are factors, obesity is mainly caused by the body consuming more food than it can use. â€Å"Every day almos... ...ast food industry plays a big part in contributing to child obesity, because of the lack of effort to decrease the fat, salt, sugar content, and portions of their meals. They are also to blame for the excessive marketing directed toward young children through media and advertising. They have infiltrated the minds of children to trust fast food icons such as Ronald McDonald and to start bad eating habits at an early age that will carry over into their adulthood. Although the fast food industry is a largely linked to the growth of child obesity, they can not solely take the blame. A child is ten times more likely to become obese if his or her parent is obese. This is due to a combination of genetic factors and social environment the child has been accustomed to. Parents have the responsibility to teach their children that it’s not ok to eat fast food regularly. After all, the parents are the ones who buy the fast food for their children and drive the family to the restaurant s. They should regulate the consumption. A more morally responsible fast food industry, with the combined efforts of responsible parents - is the only solution to reverse the increasing epidemic of child obesity.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Overview Of The Los Angeles International Airport Engineering Essay

Los Angeles International Airport has been one of the busiest airdromes in the universe, making figure three countrywide and 7th worldwide in the twelvemonth 2009. LAX serves the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area every bit good as the Greater Los Angeles Ares. The Greater Los Angles Area is made up of five counties in Southern California- Los Angeles County, Orange County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County, and Ventura Country. With a combined population of 17.6 million, Los Angeles Area is home to the 2nd largest population country in the United States, merely behind the New York metropolitan country. Peoples from over 140 states have been settling here. As a consequence, Los Angeles embraces one of the most diverse civilizations in the universe. ( Los Angeles, California ) International trade, amusement industry, fabrication, and engineering make up a important part of the metropolis ‘s economic system. Los Angeles is the headquarter for many of the Fortune 500 companies such as The Walt Disney Company, Hilton Hotels Group, Paramount Pictures, and Sony Pictures Entertainment. The LA Metropolitan Area is besides the state ‘s largest fabrication and technological centre and is good known for its new and radical innovations. Because of its premier location in the West seashore and the propinquity to Pacific Rim states, the ports of Los Angeles handled more tunnage of goods than any other port in the state. ( Los Angeles, California ) Tourism plays another major function in the regional economic system. Los Angeles is globally renowned for its amusement Parkss, shopping centres, museums, beaches, and nightlife. Millions of visitants flock here from all parts of the Earth to bask the warm conditions, breath-taking sceneries, diverse civilization, and a broad assortment of things the metropolis has to offer. In 2009, Disneyland entirely attracted 15 million visitants. ( Disneyland ( Anaheim ) )Brief HistoryThe airdrome ‘s history began in 1927 when the Los Angeles City Council planned to construct a municipal airdrome on a site which used to be a wheat field. Judge Frank D. Parent chose 640 estates of land on July 25, 1928, laid soil set downing strips, and designated the airdrome to general air power. This landing field was so given the name- Mines Field. The landing field opened in 1930 and became the official airdrome of Los Angeles. In the beginning, the metropolis leased the airdrome at $ 124,800 per twel vemonth for 50 old ages, but decided to buy the airdrome in 1937 for $ 2,240,000. ( LAX History ) During World War II, Mines Field converted to military operations. Commercial services did non get down until after the war in December 1946. When the airdrome expanded due west in early 1950s, it encountered a terrible job. The airdrome must spread out into Sepulveda Boulevard-a major roadway in the metropolis. The airdrome contrivers came up with an clever solution by delving a tunnel underneath the airdrome track, so auto traffic will non be affected by the enlargement. This sub-airport tunnel was the first of its sort any where in the universe. ( LAX History ) Before the morning of Jet Age, maestro contrivers of LAX called for a important airdrome update. Most of today ‘s airdrome substructure including the terminuss, taxi strips, control tower and tracks were built between the old ages of 1957 through 1965. The iconic Theme Building was the centrepiece of this awaited undertaking. The edifice was retro-futuristically designed into the form of a winging disk, and it hosts a rotating eating house. Walt Disney Imaginers installed particular consequence illuming onto the Theme Building in 1997, and the colourss can be adjusted to reflect particular occasions. Today, the Theme Building is place to the Encounter Restaurant. ( Los Angeles International Airport ) To expect for the addition in air travel during the 1984 Summer Olympics Games, the direction spent $ 700 million to spread out and update the airdrome. All terminuss were split into three degrees, with the top floor for going, in-between floor for fining and the bottom floor for geting. Planners besides built Tom Bradley International Terminal to manage turning international traffic demands. Terabit costs $ 123 million. The international terminus was named after Tom Bradley, the metropolis ‘s first African American city manager. In 1988 and 1989, LAX underwent a series of Reconstruction undertakings and betterments. Runway 24L-6R was wholly rebuilt. All bing tracks received touchdown visible radiations and center line. Many terminuss got more square footage, better fining countries along with more Gatess. Planners besides decided reconstruct Runways 24L/6R its and taxi strips to farther suit the larger wing spans of Boeing 747.Figure -LAXpectations streamerToday, LAX is undergoing an ambitious betterment plan called LAXpectations. The undertaking includes upgrading the Tom Bradley International Terminal, building a trade name new terminus, renovating the current cardinal terminal country, put ining track position visible radiations, and put ining a film editing border baggage testing system.( See Figure 1 ) The end of the multibillion betterment plan is to supply a better going experience for all riders while guaranting the highest safety criterions. In mid-2008, the airdrome finished retracing Runway 7R/25 to forestall track incursions and to suit following coevals Airbus A380s. The following few old ages will surely be the most exciting period in the history of the airdrome. More inside informations about the betterment plan will be discussed in ulterior subdivisions.Existing FacilitiesLos Angeles International Airport presently uses four near-parallel runways-6L/24R, 6R/24L, 7L/25R, and 7R/25L. They are 8,925 pess, 10,285 pess, 12,091 pess, and 11,096 pess in length, severally. Runways 6L/24R and 6R/24L are located on the north side of the terminuss ; while tracks 7L/25R and 7R/25L were built on the south side of the terminuss. With a breadth of 200 pess, 7R/25L is the widest of four tracks. The other three are all 150 pess in breadth. ILS and DME approach systems were standardized o n all four tracks. The airfield lift is 126 pess. Between the North and the south landing field stands the 277 pess tall, palm tree shaped air traffic control tower. The tower handles all clearance bringing, flight informations, and gate-hold places, while each of the four tracks is operated by local control and land accountants. ( Administration ) By and large talking, IFR aircrafts should hold a separation of three stat mis laterally and one 1000 pess vertically. One exclusion to this regulation is the coincident attack of the parallel tracks, which requires a separation of 4,300 pess. This is to forestall coincident attack at immediate tracks. The 4,300 pess of separation allows for two aircrafts to set down at the same clip on two non-immediate tracks, for illustration, on ILS 24L and ILS 25R. Pilots must hold the proper aircraft equipments including a transponder, and winging experiences to run at the airdrome. This is the general regulation under category Bravo, which all aircrafts receive radio detection and ranging separation. Pilots under Class B air space will be given a squawk codification. When nearing the airdrome, pilots are recommended to reach the tower at a distance 30 to forty stat mis, but the pilot must inform the accountant is he or she is unable to wing the attack. This is particularly the instance under low visibleness fortunes. ( Stearns ) Los Angeles International Airport uses nine rider terminuss, numbered 1 through 8, plus the primary international terminal-Tom Bradley International Terminal ( TBIT ) . Terminals were arranged in the form of the missive â€Å" U † . The terminal cringle starts at World Way Drive North, on the west side of South Sepulveda Blvd. Once come ining the airdrome, autos make a counterclockwise circle in the order around Terminals 1, 2, 3, Tom Bradley International Terminal, and so onto Terminals 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. All nine terminuss are split into three degrees. With the exclusion of Tom Bradley International Terminal, the eight terminuss uses the upper degree for goings, in-between degree for fining and lower degree for reachings. Tom Bradley International Terminal combines fining and going into in-between degree while using the top degree for eating houses. Just like the other eight terminuss, the lower degree of Tom Bradley is dedicated to geting riders. Two degrees of roadways allow autos and coachs to straight entree the fining degree and the arrival degree for the terminuss 1 through 8. Travelers can easy entree all degrees of the same terminus by stepss, escalators, or lifts. Dividing up the reachings and fining degrees help eases congestions for the auto traffic. Because nine terminuss do non complect, shuttle coachs provide the quickest manner for riders to go between terminuss. The lower degree accommodates ground transit such as cab, shared drive new waves, air hose birds connexions and coachs. Shuttle buses Michigans at each terminus about one time every 12 to fifteen proceedingss. Walking between terminuss is ever an option for reassigning riders ; nevertheless it can take more than 30 proceedingss to walk to the terminus located at the other side of the cringle. Most of the terminal substructure, including Terminal 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, were built back in the early 1960s, Terminal 1 and TBIT opened to the populace in 1984, and 1988, severally. ( LAX History ) Even though LAX uses nine independent terminuss, gate Numberss do non reiterate. ( See Table 1 ) In other words, every gate figure is dedicated to a individual terminus. For illustration Terminal 1 uses Gatess 1 through 15, and Terminal 2 starts the gate count at gate 21 and goes up to gate 28. Terminal Number of Gates Gates 1 15 1-3, 4A-4B, 5-14 2 11 21-21B, 22-22B, 23, 24-24B, 25-28. 3 13 30, 31A, 31B, 32, 33A, 33B, 34-36, 37A, 37B, 38, 39 4 14 40, 41, 42A, 42B, 43, 44 45, 46A, 46B, 47A, 47B, 48A, 48B, 49B 5 14 50B, 51A-51B, 52A-52B, 53A-53B, 54A-54B, 55A, 56, 57, 58A, 59 6 14 60, 61, 62-62A, 63-66, 67A-67B, 68A-68B, 69A-69B 7 11 70A-70B, 71A-71B, 72-74, 75A-75B, 76, 77 8 9 80-88 Terabit 12 101-106, 119-123Table 1-Terminals and GatesTenants and UsersMore than 60 air hoses have regular flight services to and from Los Angeles International Airport. Together, these air hoses connects rider with 87 domestic and 69 international metropoliss. With 15.1 per centum in airdrome rider traffic, American Airlines is largest air hose in operating at LAX. United Airlines and Southwest Airlines besides make up a important rider count at 14.83 and 12.44 per centum, severally. Australian airliner Qantas is the largest foreign operator, with 2 per centum of entire riders. ( LAWA ) The flights between operated by Singapore Airlines between LAX and Singapore is the 2nd longest non-stop flight between any two airdromes in the universe, merely puting behind the Newark-Singapore path. Flight SQ38 from Singapore Changi Airport to Los Angeles International takes 16 hours while winging great circle path of 9,134 stat mis. The return flight SQ37 from Los Angeles to Singapore is an even longer flight at 18 hours and 10 proceedingss. Flight SQ37 covers a distance of 8,771 stat mis. Both extremist long flights utilize Airbus A340-500. ( Non-Stop Flight ) Since the Los Angeles Area is home to the largest Asiatic population country in the state, LAX airdrome has most flights to Asia than any other airdromes in the state. The airdrome is frequently referred to as the â€Å" Gate Way to Asia † . The growing in traffic between LAX and Asiatic metropoliss has been turning significantly of all time since the TBIT was built in the 1980s. In fact, LAX entirely has six Chinese bearers in operation. Cross-Pacific flights derive a big part of income for the air hoses because burden factors average above 80 per centum ( LAX: Gateway to Asia ) Landmark Aviation is the airdrome ‘s concern activity FBO ; it is in operation 24 hours a twenty-four hours, 7 yearss a hebdomad. The installation is located South of 7R/25L and has the capableness to function all sizes of concern aircrafts up to the size of Boeing 767. Everyday services include valet parking, conference room, VIP room, pilot ‘s sofa, flight planning room, aircraft care. ( Landmark Aviation Airport Services ) LAX is home base of the Coast Guard Air Station Los Angeles. Three HH-65 Dolphinfishs are based at the airdrome. Mission of the air station includes hunt and deliverance, navigation support, and general military operations. The station works closely with the lifesavers throughout the country in helping drop and H2O deliverance.Airport ActivityIn 2009, the airdrome recorded 56,520,843 enplanement riders, the lowest figure in three old ages. The largest growing during that period occurred in twelvemonth 2004 when Numberss grew 10.61 % over the old twelvemonth. After the twelvemonth 2004, enplanement growing slows down and even goes into diminution in the past three old ages. . Airport has been turning steadily all the manner up to the twelvemonth 2000 when the enplanement riders reached 67,303,182, but the airdrome activity plummeted significantly in twelvemonth 2001, and reached the low point of 54,982,838 enplanements in twelvemonth 2003. 2001 Terrorist Attacks had evidently caused t he diminution in the air travel industry. Despite the initial tendency of recovery after twelvemonth 2001, the figure of enplaned riders is still significantly below pre-9/11 degrees. ( See Figure 3 Below ) ( Statistics Volume of Air Traffic ) Figure -Enplanement 2004-2009 ( Statistic Ten Year Summary Passengers ) Like most other airdromes, LAX rider enplanement is non uniformly distributed throughout the twelvemonth. The monthly norm of twelvemonth 2009, derived by spliting one-year enplanement by 12, is 4,710,070. The standard divergence is 490,272 ; hence the Numberss are still comparatively close to its mean. Enplanement activity spiked in the month of July with more than 6 million riders, and it reached the lowest point in February with merely over 4.3 million riders. ( See Figure 4 below ) Planners must be cautious about monthly norms when it comes to capacity related determinations because non merely activity have peak month, but besides peak twenty-four hours an even peak hr. An efficient airdrome must be able to manage traffic when activity reaches far beyond mean enplanement. For this ground, monthly norm has limited value for airdrome contrivers. Figure -Year 2009 Monthly Enplanement ( Statistics Volume of Air Traffic ) Top 5 busiest air hoses in falling orders are American Airlines, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Delta Airlines, and Alaska Airlines. The top five air hoses fly largely domestic finishs. Alaska Airlines carries the most international riders among the top five air hoses, while Southwest Airlines operates entirely within U.S. boundary lines. ( LAWA ) Aircraft operations at Los Angeles International Airport in twelvemonth 2009 are made up of 68.8 per centum air bearer, 28.5 per centum air cab, 2.5 per centum general air power, and less than.4 percent military. ( See Figure 5 below ) ( Statistics Volume of Air Traffic ) The standard divergence of the entire operation for the past five twelvemonth is merely over 20,000. From the operation statistics, it is clear that LAX operate chiefly air bearers and air cab since these two class makes up 97 per centum of airdrome activity Operations for the past twelvemonth declined drastically. Number of operations decreased from 622,506 in 2008 to 544,833 in 2009. It is deserving observing that air cab operation declined by about 50 per centum from 150,561 in 2008 to 86,919 in 2009. Despite the heavy operation at LAX, merely six aircrafts are based at the airdrome. Four of which are military chopper, and the other two are jets. This figure is improbably low for the airdrome the graduated table of LAX. In comparing, the non-commercial Van Nuys Airport ( VNY ) in San Fernando Valley has 709 based aircrafts. ( Administration )Type of Opertion20052006200720082009Air Carrier454,934463,341467,193453,232438,059Air Taxi178,017174,745193,930150,56186,919General Aviation15,07116,14217,21716,39716,797Military2,6072,6142,6142,3163,058Entire650,629656,842680,954622,506544,833Figure -Five Year Operation ( Statistics Volume of Air Traffic )ManagementLos Angeles International is one of the four airdromes operated under the Los Angeles World Airports System. The other three airdromes are LA/Ontario International ( ONT ) , Van Nuys ( VNY ) and LA/Palmdale Regional ( PMD ) . City of Los Angeles owns and operates all four airdromes. LAX is the primary public airdrome in the Los Ang eles Area. LA/Ontario and LA/Palmdale operates commercial service at a much smaller graduated tables, while Van Nuys handles the busiest general air power traffic in the universe. ( LAWA ) The metropolis appoints seven airdrome commissioners to regulate airdromes of Los Angeles World Airports. The mission of this board is to do policies that will profit the airdrome riders and the community. Seven members form the board of commissioner, each functioning five twelvemonth footings. The board members are appointed by city manager and approved by the metropolis advocate ; they are an elect squad of concern professionals, community leaders, urban contrivers, lawyers, and bookmans. Board ‘s docket and studies are often published for the populace on the Los Angeles World Airport web site. Jeff Fitch is the current director, deputy executive of operations and care of Los Angeles World Airports. Duties of airdrome director include security, safety, terminal and landside operations. Having the background as the Commander of Operations at Grand Forks Air Force Base and general director of terminal operations at Seattle Tacoma International Airport, Mr. Fitch gained extended experience in airdrome direction in both civilian and military sectors. ( L.A. World Airports )Airport IssuesIn recent old ages, incursion incidents and outdating terminal substructures are the two chief issues endangering the hereafter developments at Los Angeles International Airport. This subdivision will discourse the significance behind those issues, and their solutions.Runway IncursionsLAX is notoriously known for its hapless track safety records. From twelvemonth 2000 to 2003, LAX has the highest figure of runway incursions of all commercial airdromes in the state. The airdrome experienced 16 in cursions in twelvemonth 2006 through 2007, four of which are classified as serious. The closest call occurred on August 16, 2007, between Westjet Flight 900 and Northwest Flight 180. After set downing on track 24R, Westjet Flight 900 was trying to traverse the track 24L while Northwest Flight 180 is in the center of takeoff axial rotation. The two aircraft came within 40 pess. Runway incursions must be reduced and eliminated because it is likely that a ruinous clang will happen. ( Air Safety Week, 2007 ) Although human mistakes due to miscommunications were the chief cause for most of the track incursion incidents, the blemished design of tracks besides played a major function. All aircrafts set downing at the two outer most tracks, 6L/24R and 7R/25L, must traverse the immediate analogue tracks to entree the chief terminuss. To farther complicate this issue, parallel tracks were laid out excessively closely, so aircrafts go outing the outer runways merely have limited infinite to halt before traversing into the nearby track. ( Air Safety Week ) Under the guidelines of the Federal Aviation Administration ‘s Runway Safety Program, legion options were reviewed by the maestro contrivers. Ultimately, a halfway taxi strip became the most plausible solution. Several undertakings are specifically designed to cut down the likeliness of future track incursions, and to better the overall safety of the landing field. At the halfway piece of the major renovation undertaking is the $ 333 million dollar South Airfield Improvement Program ( SAIP ) . Approximately $ 250 million were spent to relocate the track, and the other $ 85 million went to the new taxi strip undertaking. The support came from many beginnings including landing fees, Federal Airport Improvement Funds, airdrome operating gross, and airport capital betterment financess. The first measure of the South Airfield Improvement Program was to pulverize the track 25L/7R. Then an indistinguishable track 25L/7R was rebuilt 55 pess south of the old track. All track lighting, navigational AIDSs and other public-service corporations had to be relocated as the consequence of this resettlement. Next, a new taxi strip was constructed between the two parallel tracks. The new taxi strip gives more infinite for geting aircrafts on the outer track to taxi on until the aircrafts are given the authorization to traverse the interior track. The taxi strip will probably to cut down most types of track incursion instances ; moreover, it minimizes the taxiing clip for aircrafts. ( Los Angeles International Airport ) Besides the Southern Airfield Improvement, track position visible radiation is another state-of-the art engineering that helps forestall future incursions. These visible radiations warn the pilots when the track being crossed is in usage, so pilots are less likely to traverse an active track. The track position visible radiation undertaking is a joint attempt between the FAA and the Los Angeles World Airport Authority ; the entire cost is estimated at $ 7.7 million.Facility Improvements and ExpansionsSince most of the terminus installations were built prior to 1980s, airdrome is get downing to demo marks of restraint due to its skyrocket growing. Terminals were non designed to manage today ‘s airdrome activity when they were built in the sixtiess ; really few Gatess can even suit Boeing 747s. Furthermore, the E, North, and south sides of the airdrome are heavy residential vicinities, so it is hard for the airdrome to spread out. As the consequence of the airdrome ‘s ain s uccess, LAX was get downing to lose international fight. From twelvemonth 2000 through 2006, LAX had lost 12 % of international riders. Some foreign bearers avoids LAX merely because of its out-of-date terminuss, alternatively, they choose more modern airdromes such as San Francisco International. ( Oldham ) Losing riders is non merely job for the airdrome, but the whole country of Southern California suffers as the consequence. Since the airdrome is one of the economic power house in the country, losing competiveness may take to occupation cuts and decreased foreign trade. In other words, it will both straight and indirectly affect the overall economic well being of Southern California. Because the Tom Bradley International Terminal was built more than two decennaries ago, a renovation is necessary to run into the of all time increasing demands of future rider traffic. TBIT is presently undergoing a major face lift to do many facets of international air going more comfy and efficient. Ticketing countries, in-migration lines, going countries, and more efficient HVAC systems are merely some of the targeted betterment countries. More boarding Gatess will be modified to manage larger jets like Boeing 747s and Airbus A380s. The new luggage showing system frees up the infinite in the cheque in country by traveling sensing equipment to behind the air hose counters. New luggage testing units besides reduces the congestion in the check-in countries and the delay clip for riders. LAWA contracted Siemens Logistics for the installing of modern digital shows that will break direct the flow of riders. The entire cost of TBIT betterment is estimated at $ 723.5 million. Terminals 1 through 8 will besides acquire a security system upgrade similar to the 1 at TBIT. Explosion sensing systems, detonation hint Stationss, and closed circuit telecastings are being integrated into the bing security system. This undertaking costs $ 577 million. In add-on to the security systems, all terminuss will have minor modern-day touches. ( Los Angeles International Airport ) Even though the freshly developed TBIT will pull more riders to LAX, it is non sufficient to manage the addition in international rider activity. To accommodate to the growing in new coevals superjumbo jets, the program to construct a trade name new terminus, Midfield Satellite Concourse, was passed by the airdrome council. The new multitude will be capable of managing jets the size of Airbus A380s. An belowground tunnel allows people to entree the new multitude which is about one-fourth mile West of the current terminus composite, and it will use a people mover system. Ten Gatess and an estimated 500,000 to 600,000 square footage of terminal infinite will be added on at a cost of $ 1.2 million. The new multitude undertaking is scheduled to finish in 2012. Airport council besides called for an enlargement on the current TBIT Terminal. Additional Gatess will be added on the west side of TBIT to manage increasing broad organic structure jets. ( Hymon )Personal Observations and Decision The worst record in runway incursions is surely non the acknowledgment any airdrome want to have. Even though we recognize that all human existences make errors, errors are merely unbearable in the air power industry. In response to the hapless safety records, maestro contrivers launched a series of undertakings with the chief intent of cut downing the likeliness of human mistakes. The new centre taxi strip allows more infinite for land aircrafts to steer, hence, cut downing the opportunity for runway incursions. Runway position visible radiation farther diminishes the opportunity of aircraft hits by warning the pilots of active traversing track. LAX should be sing a important decrease in track incursion incidents in the hereafter. The airdrome is in great demand of modernizing because the terminuss built half a century ago were merely non designed to manage the demands of the twenty-first Century. Renovating Tom Bradley International Terminal along with the other eight terminuss will pull more bearers to LAX. However, the airdrome is faced with a more serious issue- the deficiency of infinite for enlargement. The metropolis itself has grown to a point that the airdrome is wholly surrounded by edifices, so contrivers have about no infinite for the airdrome to spread out. All future airdrome terminal enlargements must be taken west of the present terminus composite, the belongings that is presently used for aircraft hangers and lading installations. It will be interesting to see the executable options contrivers are coming up with. On October 21, 2008, A Qantas Airlines Airbus 380 with 450 people landed at LAX. This marks the beginning of the superjumbo jet service in the West seashore, and is decidedly an indicant that more international riders are taking LAX. From the individual soil set downing strip in a wheat field to the 3rd busiest airdrome in the United States, LAX has come a long manner. Airport ‘s success is straight related with the local community. Today, southern California ‘s economic system has ne'er been so mutualist upon the air transit system. As the local economic system skyrocketed, airdrome must accommodate to the turning demands without giving safety and efficiency. The local community airdrome director, commissioners, and maestro contrivers must work together to guarantee the success of LAX in the twenty-first Century.Appendix: LAX Terminal Diagram and air hoses, SAIP