Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Safe Injecting Facilities Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Safe Injecting Facilities - Term Paper Example These Safe infusions locales otherwise called sedate utilization rooms (DCRs), safe infusion rooms, and regulated infusion destinations/offices/focuses, started in Europe during the 1980s. They presently exist in urban communities in Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Australia. The main safe infusion site in North America, Insite, started working as a pilot venture in Vancouver, BC in 2003, and was as of late given the thumbs up to stay open after a Supreme Court fight with the government (Keen, 2003). Infusion sedate use keeps on being related with a variety of noteworthy wellbeing and social outcomes all through North America. These outcomes are tied straightforwardly to the utilization of unlawful medications of obscure strength and structure, and the sharing of debased infusion gear; and by implication, through unprotected sex with sedate injectors, and through injectors’ submersion in bootleg market interests that outcome habitually in vicious trades with crooks and the police. Sharp (2003) states that in the United States, infusion sedate use represents roughly 25% of every single combined Aid cases across the country, however closer to half of all cases in a few northeastern States. The quantity of new HIV contaminations revealed across the nation among injectors expanded 300% during the 1990s, from 6,474 new diseases in 1993, to 13,969 out of 1995, 17,344 of every 1998 and 18,882 out of 1999. Ailment Injectors likewise experience the ill effects of high paces of hepatitis C contamination †90% of individuals who have infused for a long time or more are tainted - and from endocarditis, an intense disease of the heart valves that isn't ordinarily observed among youthful grown-ups. Deadly and nonfatal medication overdose (OD) is additionally a common clinical issue among injectors, and medical clinic crisis rooms all through the nation take care of ODs for all intents and purposes regular. Crisis room (ER) visits including heroin alone multiplied from 3 3,900 out of 1990 to 70,500 out of 1996. Some clinical specialists have as of late announced that the United States is amidst another heroin pandemic. Then again, injectors are known to utilize essential consideration benefits sporadically and simply after they are exceptionally wiped out, which drives up social insurance costs (Drug Policy master Committee, 2000). The contention for safe infusion destinations Several exploration examines have indicated that protected infusion locales have points of interest for medicate injectors and for the network remembering decrease for a considerable lot of the hurtful parts of medication use on the individual (spread of contaminations, danger of overdose) and to society (sedate related wrongdoing, open presentation to tranquilize infusing gear), just as positive advantages (increment in training about security among injectors, more medication clients getting to treatment and different administrations). Broad exploration has been led at Insite in Vancouver, with positive outcomes. The contention against safe infusion locales Critics have contended against the presentation of safe infusion destinations to a great extent dependent on the rule that illicit drug use isn't right, and ought not be approved at all. The political spotlight on decreasing mischief to sedate clients avoids the concentration from where it has a place, which is on the counteraction and treatment of medication misuse. Presenting safe infusion destinations is viewed as a stage towards sedate authorization, and sabotages law implementation standards and practices. Specialists infer that police observation may wind up frightening off the very individuals North America's previously endorsed more secure infusing office is planned to help. While there have been methodological reactions of the assessment considers supporting safe infusion locales, and Insite specifically, pundits on the opposite side contend that there is no significant reason for these reac tions. At last, the solid perspectives on the two sides

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Double Entry System free essay sample

As indicated by the twofold passage bookkeeping framework, a business exchange influences at any rate two records and the charge and credit sums recorded for the influenced accounts must be adjusted. These exchanges will be recorded in the suitable books of records. Business elements build up a graph of records, a rundown of record titles with their comparing account codes that the business will use in recording and posting in the books of records and in detailing in the fiscal summaries. Twofold Entry System was imagined just because by Lucas Pacioli’ of Italy in the year 1494 in Venice yet it was created in England. This framework depends on reality that each business exchange includes two .parties†(1) Receiver and (2) Giver. There can not be any business exchange by just one gathering. On the off chance that one section is supplier of anything, there must be one more gathering recipient. On the off chance that one section is dealer; there must be the other party buys. We will compose a custom paper test on The Double Entry System or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Recipient of the exchange is account holder and the supplier is the lender. In this way the exchanges happen between two gatherings, as indicated by Double Entry System each exchange is recorded twice. One gathering is the account holder and the other party is provider. Beneficiary is the indebted person and supplier is the leaser. Precision of records. The best bit of leeway of Double Entry System is that arithmetical precision of records can be checked without any problem. Since each exchange is recorded twice, a Trial Balance can be readied and it tends to be known whether every exchange has been accurately recorded twice or not. By applying. Twofold Entry Principle each exchange is recorded twice. Preliminary Balance can without much of a stretch be readied and with the assistance of Trial Balance Trading and Profit and Loss can be handily arranged to find out the gross benefit or gross deficit or net benefit or overal deficit of the business. Information on Financial Position. Budgetary situation of the business can be known without any problem. By getting ready Balance Sheet one can comprehend what resources are controlled by the business and what liabilities are expected by the business. Odds of misrepresentation small. By applying Double Entry Principles odds of submitting extortion is a lot of limited. On the off chance that misrepresentation is submitted, it tends to be easilychecked by confirmation and inspecting of records. †¢Comparison of Expenses†Comparison of costs of the present year with the past can undoubtedly be made. The arrangement of twofold passage accounting has the capaâ ¬bility of making a positive commitment towards monetary development. Despite the fact that the capacity of twofold passage to uncover the achievement or disappointment of a business endeavor for a particular time of lime was not esteemed by the early traders, twofold entrys ability to aggregate information on singular performing exercises, joined with its capacity to carry request to the issues and records of these dealers, legitimized the financial exercises of the early English shippers

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

How to Avoid AdWords Mistakes that Cost You Money

How to Avoid AdWords Mistakes that Cost You Money If your business is looking into online marketing, you’ll likely come across a system called AdWords. This Google platform is an excellent way to increase your business reach online and drive more traffic to your website. But it can also cost you a fortune, if you don’t know how to use it correctly. © | Ingvar BjorkThis guide will help you understand 1) what AdWords is and 2) why your business will benefit from it. You’ll learn 3) how to avoid major adwords mistakes and use it without spending a fortune.WHAT IS ADWORDS AND WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?If you are a small business and in charge of your own marketing, chances are you’ve heard of AdWords. Google’s online advertising platform is a popular service and if you’ve never heard of it or used it, its about time that you take a look.AdWords is essentially an online advertising platform, which allows you to display ads for your business using Google platforms. The system enables its users to advertise and gain visibility on Google’s search engine, together with various other Google websites and services. In addition, it will increase your visibility on partnering search engines and websites.AdWords is based on a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model. Thats as easy as it sounds: Every time someone clicks on your ad, Google will charge you a fee. Therefore, you don’t have to pay for advertising that doesn’t result in clicks. Instead, you pay only for advertising that has reached the customer. On the contrary, if you for example advertise in a newspaper, you will have to pay for the ad space, even if nobody visits your website or calls your number. Bummer!For various reasons, AdWords has changed the way businesses advertise online. It has become one of the key tools businesses can use to can gain more exposure online and increase their reach.WHY SHOULD YOU USE ADWORDS?If you’re still not sure whether or not AdWords could help your business, consider the following points and you may become more interested:Increase your business reach â€" the main reason why businesses use AdWords is to reach out to potential customers online. AdWords allows you to display advertisement all over the internet which significantly increases your business visibility.Measure advertisement performance â€" Starting a marketing campaign, you dont simply post your advertisement randomly in the internet. You have to measure the effectiveness of your advertisement, or you will end up paying money for nothing. Using AdWords’ simple PPC model, you will easily see how many people click your ads and continue to browse on your website to make a purchase.Find out more about your customer â€" AdWords can help you to learn more about your customers, because you will understand what kind of ads they find appealing. Once you know which ads they pay more attention to, you can use the data to improve the content on your site and tailor it to your customers needs.Venture out to other platforms AdWords displays your ads on different Google platforms. Therefore, you can further increase your business reach.Control your advertising costs â€" AdWords will only charge for the clicks, which means you only pay for the exposure you actually receive. That can be cheap, but it can also be expensive. However, the platform allows customisation, so you can run your campaign with a maximum cost per day.Moz’ research suggests that 75% of search results contain AdWords ad placements. That means your business can’t afford to lean back and watch competitors gain a competitive advantage using the platform. As the saying goes: Sometimes the only way to beat your competitors is to join them.AVOID THESE ADWORDS MISTAKES TO RUN A COST-EFFECTIVE MARKETING CAMPAIGNWhilst AdWords comes with a variety of benefits, unfortunately a number of businesses don’t always make the most out of it. Although the system can help you to cut down on advertising costs, it can leave you broke if you don’t know what you are doing.If you’re struggling to get your AdWords campaign started or if you feel your expenses are out of control, then you should consider the following tips. If you are just starting out with AdWords, these are the mistakes you should avoid, otherwise you might pay more than you should.Mist ake 1: Using inefficient keywordsFirst, you must learn how to use keywords. When it comes to online advertising and SEO, keywords play a crucial role. Unfortunately, the proper use of keywords seems to be a bit of a mystery. Consider the following tips, to improve your keyword use with AdWords.Take advantage of your USPThe keywords you use in your campaign should always reflect your companys unique selling proposition (USP). Remember, there’ll be hundreds of other companies competing for advertising space, so you need to highlight your strengths.Figure out what differentiates your business from your competition. You should ask questions such as:Why is my product or service superior to that of my competitors?What added value can my business offer to customers?Your answers to these questions will help you to run a more effective AdWords campaign. Ensure the keywords you use reflect the USP and your business strengths.Use negative keywordsAdWords states negative keywords “are a typ e of keyword that prevents your ad from being triggered by a certain word or phrase.” Using negative keywords might not sound like a good idea â€" these are the words that prevent your ad from showing up â€" but using them will save you money.As a result of using negative keywords, your ad will not be shown to people who are looking for something else, that is not a valuable match for your product or service. In essence, it stops the ‘wrong’ people clicking on your ads and costing you money.Lets say you are running an ad for guitar tutorials. You might use a keyword “guitar tutorials online”. Since your lessons come with a fee, you don’t want people who are looking for free tutorials to click on your ads. Therefore, you can run “free” as a negative keyword. This means your ad won’t show for any search using the word “free.”Dont use too many keywordsWhen businesses are starting out with AdWords, they tend to go crazy, listing tons of keywords relating to their b usiness. However, the golden rule is “less is more.”You can’t add all the keywords to your ad campaign and you need to exclude certain information. Simple ads often convey the most effective message and you should not try to cover all the bases at once.Group keywords correctlyFinally, you need to make sure to group your keywords in the correct way. A costly mistake first-timers make is to use the default grouping option: broad match. In fact, you have other ways to group your keywords and these are often a better use of your money. The keyword match options include:Broad match â€" your ad will appear when people search for any of your given keywords. For example, if you run an ad for “best ugg boots”, your ad can show for searches as wide as “ugg boots best”, “best ugg boots to buy” and “ugg boots for kids.”Phrase match â€" your ad appears only when people search for the keywords in the exact order. For instance, if you run an ad for the “best ugg boots”, t he ad will only show up when people type in “best ugg boots.” They can include other related keywords, but the keywords you used need to be in the exact order.Exact match â€" your ad will appear when people search for exactly the keywords you used. Therefore, for your “best ugg boots” ad, the ad will only pop up when people search for “best ugg boots” â€" nothing more, nothing less.Now, grouping all of your keywords with the default broad match means your ad will attract all kind of people. Since they could be looking for something totally different, they may not even want to buy anything, you might end up paying for clicks that are absolutely worthless. This doesn’t mean broad match is never useful, it just means that by default it can hurt your ads more than help them.Mistake 2: Paying for services that you dont needThe first rule of business finance is to understand where your money comes from and where it goes to. The same rule applies to AdWords and the following tips will help you understand when and what to pay for.Measure profit margins and conversion ratesFirst, you need to understand and measure your profit margins and conversion rates. You can calculate the appropriate profit margin for the ad campaign with the following formula:[(Revenue Per Click x Margin) x Clicks] â€" (Cost Per Clicks x clicks)Total CostNote that you can easily set up a conversion for inquiries and sales from the “Tools and Analysis” section at the AdWords platform.Dont pay for ad time that you don’t needAdWords campaigns are set to run on a 24/7 basis by default. However, having your ads available all around the clock might not be worth the additional cost.To understand the perfect time for your ads, you need to understand your customers. If you are targeting businesses, then running ads over the weekend might not be fruitful. On the other hand, if you are looking for customers for your Monday morning sessions, there’s not much chance of conversions Monday afternoon or Tuesdays.You can keep track of your ads performance from the “dimensions” section in the user interface. Check out when you receive the most conversions and consider limiting the visibility of your ad.Bid for the brandInstead of simply bidding for popular keywords, you should aim to bid for your brand name keywords as well. Brand bidding can improve your search engine rankings and provide more organic search results.Brand bids are typically cheaper than popular keyword bids. But at the same time, they can boost your conversion rate. A customer searching for your brand is already interested in what you have to offer. If instead of finding your business, they come across a competitor, you might lose out on an ‘easy’ sale.Don’t forget your quality scoresGoogle attaches a quality score to each ad. This score, ranging from 1 to 10, essentially tells whether the platform views your ads as high-quality or low-quality. The score is based on a number of factors. You c an find a more detailed explanation in this WordStream post.Basically, what you need to understand is the higher the quality the less you’ll be spending per click. The reason is that Google is placing low-quality ads much lower in the search results.Calculate your Lifetime Value (LTV)Finally, determine how much you want to spend on AdWords to acquire a single customer. Therefore, you have to calculate the Customer Lifetime Value. The calculation determines how much each customer spends on your products or services. Hence, you will know how much you should spend on ads per customer.For example, if your customer lifetime value is $50, you don’t want to spend $60 to attract the customer. You can read more about calculating the rate at Conversion XL.Turn off content networkFinally, the platform also uses content network advertising by default. This is a form of contextual advertising, which aims to place your ad on larger sites. But for a number of businesses, visibility on these pl atforms doesn’t result in conversion clicks, but rather in low-quality clicks. In the end, you might receive clicks, but not clicks that lead to conversion, which means you end up paying more for your advertising. Therefore, you don’t want to spend your money on it. Turn it off.Mistake 3: The content doesnt match with the adsAdWords is great when you have a real value proposition that you think will benefit your customer. On the other hand, it’s not a great tool if you only want to boost your company’s online presence. Simply put, don’t spend money on AdWords if you have nothing worth advertising. Consider the following tips:Focus on quality contentCreate quality ads with meaningful content. Hence, the keywords of your ad, together with taglines and images, should always be directly related to the product or service that your business offers.You should avoid misleading ads â€" never advertise for “free guitar lessons” if you are only offering saxophone lessons for a fe e! In addition, since you are competing against other ads, keep the USP in mind and make your ad stand out in the crowd. Copying what others are doing won’t help you catch customers’ attention.Drive customers to the proper landing pageYour ad will include a link to a location on your website, the so-called landing page, which is essentially the location where the person arrives when he/she clicks the ad or link. A typical mistake is to simply use your company’s homepage as the landing page. Remember, the customer clicks on the link in order to make a purchase or to learn more about the product, not to find himself trying to figure out where to go. Make it easy, lead the way.Lets say you are running an ad for “large family sofas.” You need to ensure the link takes the customer to a page where he can purchase large family sofas or learn more about these sofas. If the ad instead takes the customer to a furniture store homepage, they will simply close the window. Dont waste yo ur customers time, he wont appreciate it.Mistake 4: Expecting too much from AdWordsAdWords comes with a variety of benefits, so you shouldn’t expect it to quadruple your sales overnight. AdWords is just one of many advertisement channels and your business won’t be the only one using it.While AdWords is a relatively cheap way to advertise your business, it isn’t free. If you have a limited budget, you need to make sure you don’t make costly mistakes, and you need to understand the limits of your campaign. You will be competing against other companies, often for the same keywords, and large corporations will naturally have more to spend on their campaigns.AdWords won’t start creating results overnight. In fact, it can take some time to build up your AdWords profile until you start to receive the results you need. If you don’t have patience, you’re better off putting your advertising money somewhere else.Finally, use AdWords as an additional marketing tool. If you base yo ur marketing campaign solely on AdWords, you may not receive the results and exposure you want. Ensure AdWords is just part of your larger marketing effort.Mistake 5: Not testing and measuring your AdWords useFinally, you should remember to measure your performance with AdWords to ensure that your operations are cost effective. AdWords has made it easy to measure the success of your ads and you can use this information in order to calculate your return of investment (ROI).The key statistics you should be aware of include:Quality score. As mentioned earlier, the quality score determines the ad’s rank and your costs.Click through rate. The metric showcases how often people click on the ad. A high CTR (1% or higher) means the ad is relevant and people often click on it. A low CTR (anything below 1%) shows your ad isn’t attracting enough people to be worth it.Conversion rate. This metric shows the number of times people click on your ad and follow up with concrete action, for exampl e a sale or a sign-up. Your goal is a high conversion rate to ensure people aren’t simply clicking the ad for nothing.Use different keywords, ad positions and even times to test which ads lead to better results in the above categories. If a keyword is not working, i.e. resulting in conversions or clicks, you don’t want to continue wasting money on it.It is often a good idea to run two similar ad campaigns with different keywords, but for the same product. This helps you to determine which ad attracts more traffic to your site.Is AdWords the right thing for you? Review the relevant points and if you are interested, give it a try.Find out more watching the YouTube videos below: