Thursday, January 2, 2020

Who s Harassing Whom - 976 Words

Marianne Jennings in â€Å"Who’s Harassing Whom?† writes, about her stand on women and sexual harassment. She adopts a stern and passionate tone in order to convince the audience of the responsibility women bear for being harassed. Jennings’s purpose is to highlight how some women bear part of the blame in the matter by choosing to stay in situations where they are the recipients of unwanted advances, because of personal ambition. Jennings in â€Å"Who’s Harassing Whom?† furthers her purpose by employing ethos, pathos, and logos to support her argument. In her article regarding sexual harassment, Jennings employs ethos in order to establish her character and credibility to lay a foundation to support her point of view. She seeks to persuade the†¦show more content†¦The writer appeals to logic by posing a rhetorical question to the audience, â€Å"how innocent are the victims of harassment anyway?† (256) when referring to women, allegedly harassed by their supervisor, at the â€Å"Ford plant in Chicago† (256). The writer states â€Å"they tearfully told of sleeping with their supervisors to keep their jobs† in order to show that women choose to sleep with their bosses instead of getting another job. Another way that Jennings supports her argument is by anticipating objections from the audience. She offers supporting evidence to counter the opposing view â€Å"either I stay here and get harassed †¦or leave and take another job for less pay† (256), in order to show that some women stay because money is more important than their â€Å"virtue† (256). The writer points out that people who think of sexual harassment in terms of money over their safety are people who make poor decisions. It seems that â€Å"$22.00 an hour† (256), the hourly pay at the Ford plant, is a good enough reason to put up with sexual advances. Through Jennings’s employment of logic, she successfully shows that women at the receiving end of sexual harassment are making flawed decisions by staying merely because of financial reasons. As a result, the writer suggests that women bear some responsibility by staying. Similarly, Jennings employs pathos in her article to appeal to the emotions of the reader to support her argument by citing a high-profile case and by using highlyShow MoreRelatedCyber Bullying Has Been Overlooked By Many Schools1383 Words   |  6 Pagesbeing done to the victim. Cyber Bullying can consist of name calling, harassing, starting a rumor, impersonating or creating a fake profile to harm someone online. Cyberbullying is a serious matter that has affected many people. There are plenty of terrible stories of how certain people were cyberbullied. 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